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  1. cannibicam

    My SOG mission. Various strains. Ongoing journal.

    I came across this thread and read about the beef. I'm embarassed to find that fuckbane is canadian. I searched his threads and came across one about his break up. it's really pathetic and helps to show how little anyone should take this individual seriously. this is a link to what i mean...
  2. cannibicam

    AMS + NL combined grow

    Day 5 again started with the little plant being found lying on it's side and it ended with the plant being found shrivled up twelve hours later. I already have another seed germinating. Second go 'round I'll let if start off under a 20/4 cycle for about four days before I go 12/12. In the mean...
  3. cannibicam

    AMS + NL combined grow

    Update Day 4 of AMS DAy 50 of SH - strawberry haze Still waiting on the Y sockets to give additional lighting to the space. The NL seed did not sprout. Not too disappointed about that. Ordered more seeds and am expecting to have big bang fem, himalayan gold fem, the pure and master kush by...
  4. cannibicam

    Danky^danks grow thread!!!! LED lowryder

    Congrats on a nice grow. I grow lowryder as well. And right now I'm growing Mossy Jem by Crazy seeds. It's another autoflowering dwarf. I haven't harvested it yet. I'm still a month away from my first MJ harvest, but so far it is a lot denser with many more trichs. As much as I like lowryder I...
  5. cannibicam

    First Grow, T5, Northern Lights

    Looks like a successful grow. Congrats! What was the dry weight of the first plant?
  6. cannibicam

    AMS + NL combined grow

    I have some Y sockets on the way to help with more lighting. I'll take your advice on the nutes. The NL still has not sprouted. I'm trying to be patient but not feeling to confident about the NL seedling.
  7. cannibicam

    AMS + NL combined grow

    Here are a few shots of the space that will be used for the grow. the measurements are 65cm deep 95cm wide and 120cm tall. The AMS is starting to poke out, which worries me because I planted it a day after the NL and there is still no sign of that sprout. Tomorrow will probably be day one of the...
  8. cannibicam

    using clothes pins to hang drying branches?

    thanks for the info
  9. cannibicam

    using clothes pins to hang drying branches?

    When hanging the branches to dry is it a bad idea to pinch then ends? My plan was to attach the branches to hangers with clothes pins and hang them in the closet. This is my first harvest and I want to attempt to cure properly.
  10. cannibicam

    AMS + NL combined grow

    I just germinated a feminized AMS seed and a regular Seedsman Northern Lights. I find the easiest way to germinate is to just leave the seeds in a cup of water in a dark place until they pop. They will each be in an eight litre pot with soil picked up from the local supermarket. I don't know...