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  1. K

    New Branches Looking Restarted :-/ I want to clone.

    I am trying to do a SOG via the bagseed mothers till I can integrate a few special seeds with tax money. I planted this plant as a seed 12/19 and its nearly 1 1/2 foot and seems healthy so why shouldn't I used it as a mother BUDS? I know you do a lot of posting your input matters! I will show...
  2. K

    New Branches Looking Restarted :-/ I want to clone.

    Meant new branches lol auto correct on my phone. I want to use the bottom branches to make clones as it showed sex now but they are all tiny n stretched like a lil ET arm and hand. O.o
  3. K

    New Branches Looking Restarted :-/ I want to clone.

    I want to use this as a mother but my new beaches seem deformed.
  4. K

    leaves cupping up and twisted new growth

    What is your issue with SuperThrive Zack66? I from my experience would actually have to say that I accredit SuperThrive for saving my plants lives... They were subjected to temps that reached as low as 50 and had to survive from just the surface heat of the soil created with CFL... All my...
  5. K

    leaves cupping up and twisted new growth
  6. K

    leaves cupping up and twisted new growth

    It gets 85-90 up top right around 1-2 inches under the bulb it is 80-85 and the rest decreases to a nice 70-75. I have a larger room I was wanting to switch to but it got very cold outside so I put them in the cubby to keep warm, I did water it right before putting it into the cubby for the...
  7. K

    leaves cupping up and twisted new growth
  8. K

    Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?

    I toiled with the idea of using mg cactus soil or getting dirt from outside and running gallons of water(which first I run through a carbon filter) through it and baking it in the oven? Lol sounds extreme but seems like that would flush out pollutants and turn possible pests into organic food...
  9. K

    Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?

    I didn't see your post sorry Robert. I will try to use a pot of seed starter to see how a plant does in it for veg. I have been tossing that idea around as it made a lil burn but the seeds I started in it blew away the seeds I started in plugs. If I use enough seed starter will it deplete to...
  10. K

    Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?

    Is there a soil to use with no added nutes to where I water them with 100% of the nutes myself. I need to keep things as cheap and simple as possible.
  11. K

    Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?

    I will drop my watering down, they were all started in MG seed starter and loved that stuff. I have the two small pots filled with mg organic. They are doing the worst and are purple. No one thinks my soil being in the 50-60 range is a factor? They had a little burn when in the closet at 90...
  12. K

    Nutrient Deficiency Through Possible Lock Out?

    I am doing a repost this time with pics to attract more initial interest any help is really appreciated I will give a follow up of how everything goes and when I figure this out I will continue to help others on here as well! :confused::weed: Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this. I...
  13. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    Here's a pic of the bug whilst alive and a good pic of my best lil plant it wont.get taller.
  14. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    I am posting some pics from a few minutes ago now. I am new to this but I really am adamant about it. I was born on a farm where my parents grew, I am but a young man and they are all deceased now. I feel ironically at peace when tending to the plants even though I have admitedly never so...
  15. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    This was yesterday today it's much worse is my set up I will answer any questions and help everyone also when I learn more bout caring for these babies. here's another pic of them...
  16. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    The smallest of the plants is shoeing a purple color taking over in the white leaves. The one biggest plant I gave a drink of cactus food high in potassium and potash seems to be the healthiest color and its been stunted for about 5 days seems to be less droopy now ( its the least droopy of...
  17. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    The closet was a very small 2 foot tall cubbyhole and had the door shut with no fan. They were all perky and happy. The new room is 7 foot tall and about 8 by 10 feet wide. It has no fan and is fairly airtight but I left an almost 2 inch gap upder the door. I am having a hard time finding a...
  18. K

    Help is really appreciated! I will post more pics in a bit
  19. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    I am using 16 23 watt 6500k daylight cfl bulbs now, in the closet they were all doing well with exactly 1/2 that amount of light ( again all 6500k daylights). I have the lights roughly 2-5 inches away. I am vegging 24/0 to sustain room temp. I believe my Ph is kept at 6 but I have to check my...
  20. K

    Help is really appreciated!

    Also the lil meter I use to check soil Ph does fertility and says the soil is a little low, that should be a good thing though I would think?