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  1. T

    Room30's HP Aero Cabinet

    Looks nice, I like your digital? timer. I've only built simple R-C timers. Good luck!
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    Water timing for aeroponics?

    Impressive pressure tank; looks like a good second run; good luck with it!
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    ph meters and ph adjustment regime questions!!

    Your best bet is ebay jojaxx, but expect to spend over 150. I like the eco testers; they're water proof and pretty accurate. Second on the pron things being garbage; shame you bought one =/. Live and learn.
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    Water timing for aeroponics?

    This is my favorite HP DIY thread gardenscureDOTcom/420/aeroponics/133136-project-forget-fogger-im-going-hpDOThtml, check it out, swim was able to make a 100psi system for under 500 thanks to ebay and the use of 150psi expansion tanks; and this guy did tons of research that lead swim from a...
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    Water timing for aeroponics?

    I never used that word. I think anyone has the ability to learn, but they have to want to. Honestly I don't have experience to tell him if 15 on/off would work. It probably will, but with less than stellar results. Since he doesn't have the cash money to get good equipment, I did the best I...
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    Water timing for aeroponics?

    f that, go to radio shack, buy a 1-2x 330-500 uf cap. get 1 1m varible resistor, and a smaller one, 100k-1m or so. get a 555 timer; and a 12v relay, above 200ohm with NO and NC contacts. wire it to astable mode sentexDOTnet/~mec1995/gadgets/555/555DOThtml 330uf cap will provide resolutions...
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    first aero build. help with questions.

    Well that's nice; but swim doesn't even have a res; its a small grow; maybe 4-8 plants max. Uses less than 8 gallons a week. Swim doesn't have to check PH except when nutes are first mixed. Then it's smooth sailing, and all the benefits of running 100psi.
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    first aero build. help with questions.

    I do not recommend a submersible pump. You will have to check PH everyday; unless you have a huge res. Go HP; Save money and time. Your inital cost are higher but you running cost as great when you go DTW. You can even build your own timer if you get into basic electronics. Look up 555 timers...
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    1st week flowering

    Check out this free software; it allows you to enter molecular data about any nute brand, walk through on how to use the program. Enter npk, and mg or cal, and it will figure a optimal ratio of...
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    New To The DWC Club

    Better stay on your water PH; it changes rapidly. It'll easily become too high or too low as your plants suck up and react with the nutes. If you consider going bigger; before you do; a 100psi aero is cheaper than a ph regulator for your DWC; check out cavadge's thread at the gardens cure You...
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    Light proofing a window A/C

    I would say alum foil or more ideally fiberglass duct board, and alum tape.
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    A/C Thermostat mog

    I simply don't recommend that. If you get me a copy of the wiring diagram, or a model number, I can tell you what to do.
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    Can i use an ac as an intake

    Don't understand your post but... If you use cool a/c air from the supply, you will be wasting cool air on the lights, don't know if 60 degree air blowing on it will hurt the lights, but if its the home ac then the fan will have to be set on which will increase cooling bills and humidty...
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    A/C Thermostat mog

    The other problem that may arise with mini splits is tha one compressor may control/cool multiple fan coils, in that case, you don't want to mess with it
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    A/C Thermostat mog

    Miin splits do get more complexe, but if you wire directly to the compressor power, you should be able to trick it and bypass any safety switches. The compressor is outside, you will not be able to control the fan.
  16. T

    A/C Thermostat mog If you look at the diagram, you can spot a thermostat wired to the usually blk, common, wire to the compressor. The switch is high voltage. If you open your window unit up, look on the inside of the covers, or for a folded piece of paper, that is you wiring...