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  1. Cavsoulja

    Ph problem?

    Whats your reccomendation? Just looking for advice and knowledge here bud you don't have to be a dick.
  2. Cavsoulja

    Ph problem?

    I think I might have figured out what's going on. I tested the ph of my water and the ph of my water with my nutrients mixed in. The water by itself is at 8 and once I mix the nutes in it's at 5.5. So I have been following the fox farm feeding schedule and feeding every other watering. I...
  3. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    So I think I might have just figured something out. I decided to mix up the fox farm nutrients into a gallon of water and test the ph, and it came out around 5.5. Now the soil being at 5.5 makes sense. So I am assuming the problem I've been having is due to the soil ph being too low, and...
  4. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Midway through week 4 and I have some type of deficiency going on. Not sure what this is, but it's starting to effect more and more leaves. I noticed it last week but it seemed like it was just a couple leaves, now it's getting bigger. If anyone has any idea what this is I would appreciate...
  5. Cavsoulja

    Ph problem?

    Currently in week 4 of flower. Plants look healthy and happy overal other than this issue. I am feeding the Fox Farm Trio. Buds are forming nicely and starting to fatten up.
  6. Cavsoulja

    Ph problem?

    i admittedly have not been adjusting the ph of my water. I'm growing in soil and the ph is probably going in at 7.5 - 8 from the tap. Is this the result?
  7. Cavsoulja


    Right on, thank you!
  8. Cavsoulja


    i pulled some of them off and took a picture.
  9. Cavsoulja


    Hello everyone. I am in week 4 of flower on my grow and I just noticed what looks like some male parts popping up on the underside of my SCROG. Are these hermies??? I have been battling PM and maybe the spraying I have been doing is stressing them but other than that no problems. These...
  10. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Week 4 starts today! Feels good to be halfway down with flower! Everything is looking perfect this morning! Buds are getting bigger. PM is GONE!! For now. I have a feeling it will return but I'll just have to keep fighting it. Here's some week 4 shots and some nug porn for everyone!
  11. Cavsoulja

    Time to flip scrog?

    It's been a while so thought I'd update this thread. I'm almost done with week 3 in flower. Stretch is pretty much done I think. Had a really bad case of PM but I think I have it under control now. Everything is coming along nicely!
  12. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Yeah I have it running at full speed now. I think your right I do need to upgrade to 6", 440 CFM fan, just not sure if the wife will let me spend the $150 right now lol. Hoping that I can make it through harvest with my current setup. I might break down and but the new fan though, who knows...
  13. Cavsoulja

    Newb 1st Grow ( Nirvana Blackberry : Soil : 300w LED : 3x3 tent )

    Haha yeah I was worried about it being low when I was in veg too, I was sitting around 35 or 40. Then the canopy filled in and flipped to 12/12 and now I can't get it under 60.
  14. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Well sprayed everything down last night with Safergro Mildew Cure. Man this stuff stinks! Very strong garlic smell. This morning I woke up and popped the tent and to my surprise and delight not only was the garlic smell gone but so was all of the PM!! I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but...
  15. Cavsoulja

    Newb 1st Grow ( Nirvana Blackberry : Soil : 300w LED : 3x3 tent )

    You know to be honest it's most likely because my scrog is so dense. I scrogged 4 plants in there and there isn't much room for air to pass through. So I am am constantly defoliating to allow airflow and spraying for mildew. Kind of a pain. Hopefully the extra work will pay off at harvest...
  16. Cavsoulja

    Newb 1st Grow ( Nirvana Blackberry : Soil : 300w LED : 3x3 tent )

    That is an awesome looking bush, looks great. Just make sure you have good vent in that tent. I have the same size and I'm getting pounded with PM 3 weeks into flower.
  17. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Well it doesn't look like all my pruining really helped at all, the PM is still thriving. I am planning on going home tonight and just hosing them down with this safergro mildew cure. I got this idea from a YouTube video. The guy said spray with Mildew Cure to kill the mildew and then spray...
  18. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Did some major defoliation this morning, trying to get rid of this PM. It's looking a lot better as far as airflow goes. Got some mildew cure in the mail today, will probably wait till Saturday to apply since I want to do it right before lights out and light go out while I'm at work...
  19. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Week 3 of flower starts today! Everything is looking pretty good. My mildew cure still hasn't been delivered, so on Friday I mixed up some baking soda in water and hosed most of the leafs down. I think this definitley helped, but I still see a little bit in small spots. Also now my leafs...
  20. Cavsoulja

    First Grow, Platinum Bubba Kush Clones, 3x3 SCROG

    Started noticing a lot of powdery mildew yesterday. Pruned off a lot of fan leaves with mildew today and yesterday. Ordered another small fan to move the air around and some mildew cure to foliar spray. Most of the mildew was on undergrowth that was going to be pruned anyways but had to pluck...