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  1. greenthumz

    Does pH Affect Plant Gender?????

    Thanks for the help guys, but i still wanna find out more about the myth of pH affecting sex. If you know anybody who claims that this has happened to them, try to get them to reply on this thread.
  2. greenthumz

    Does pH Affect Plant Gender?????

    Is a hermie a good or bad thing? I know what a hermie is, but do they have big/small buds, a lot/little thc? I'v never heard of a hermie pot plant before. Can hermies pollinate themselves?
  3. greenthumz

    18 Days flowering...already got a few orange hairs.

    Well, i think another part of the reason my plants are stretching and/or budding early is that i just found out the fert im using isnt 20-20-20. its got more phosphorus and potassium than nitrogen. ive read that you want to use 20-20 20 for veggin and lower the N and raise the P and K for...
  4. greenthumz

    Underground Grow Room?

    lol. theres some apartments next to my house and i hang out over there a lot. the gutters look like they havent been cleaned in years (if not decades). the landowner's a real slumlord. anyways, the gutters have had so much stuff building up in them, that it's apparently broken down into some...
  5. greenthumz

    18 Days flowering...already got a few orange hairs.

    Hey, man. I'm a noob and I ain't spending money on anything for my first grow, and all I HAVE is an HPS that I found in my basement. I gotta tell ya, I am NOT impressed with it. My plants are growing slow, they're stretching for light, I have to keep it 3 feet away from them to keep it from...
  6. greenthumz

    Does pH Affect Plant Gender?????

    Hey everyone, i heard that lower pH causes there to be more males than females and higher pH causes more females than males. Is this true??? I don't remember where I originally heard this, but I just found another site yesterday that said the same thing. At first, I doubted that this was true...
  7. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    Hey I found this on Maybe it is true: "Your prime concern, after choosing high quality seeds, is the soil. Use the best soil you can get. Scrimping on the soil doesn't pay off in the long run. If you use unsterilized soil you will almost certainly find parasites in it...
  8. greenthumz

    Underground Grow Room?

    but seriously, i know a guy (we'll call him sidekick) that knew a guy. sidekick was this guy's neighbor. sidekick had no idea that this guy was a stoner or a grower or anything like that. he didn't even really know him, he just lived across the street. then one day sidekick sees that the cops...
  9. greenthumz

    Underground Grow Room?

    where's "back home," if you don't mind me asking? i want a bomb shelter. that would be so cool, even if i didn't plan on growing pot in it (which i do plan on doing).
  10. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    wow. my neighbor really is a dumbass. it took me only about 15 min to find them. he planted them in the ground in the woods behind my house, so i dug them up and brought them back into my house because that spot he planted them in had shitty light and most of them were dead/dying. they were...
  11. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    well, i did put my plants outside. then the next day they were gone. i'm not sure, but i think my dumbass neighbor stole them, even though he already knew he was getting some of the crop when i harvested them because he gave me the seeds. most of them were males anyways. but still, anybody...
  12. greenthumz

    EZ Grow Mushroom Kit

    why would opening the lid affect their potency? sorry for my ignorance, but im a n00b just like Buzzkill and i wanna learn. im buying an eighth of cubensis, though... how long do spores last? i don't know how fresh these are, or whether they were wild or home-grown, i've never even seen a psyco...
  13. greenthumz


    it doesn't matter what color it is! calm down! your monitor color may be off, anyways. the only reason you want to cook it is to sterilize it so your spores don't get contaminated. just try it again and DON'T throw it away just because it doesn't look like what you saw on a video. you might be...
  14. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    another question... how do you test soil ph? is there any way to tell without a ph test kit? if not, how do you use one? i have 4 mexican dirt plants that are in some miracle grow seed starting mix, and 3 are female, still waitin on the fourth one to see what it decides to be. and why do...
  15. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    oops... i made a typo... i meant that i heard higher ph made more females. not the other way around. but still, anybody have any insight into this myth, no matter how it goes? if not, i think an experiment is in order... whether anybody claims this to be true or not, i usually have to see to...
  16. greenthumz

    Miracle-Gro® Cactus, Palm and Citrus Soil... Ph ok?

    i'm still an uber n00b at weed growing, but i've been growing "normal" plants for quite some time now. i'm not sure, but don't weed plants like more of an acidic soil? i've heard that lower ph can influence there to be more females than males, but that in order for them to be happy & healthy...
  17. greenthumz

    Just thought i'll say The internet as we know it will be gone by 2012 UPDATE

    whoah... oops... how'd this get here? I was posting on a different forum and somehow it got on the wrong one.... that's a little screwy...
  18. greenthumz

    Simple Question. Just about Temperature

    yeah, dude. y is nobody replying to this post? i wanna know too!!! i got 3 purple haze and 5 mexican seedlings that i need to plant outdoors before they get too tall. they're in a windowsill greenhouse w/ a halogen light over them. they're lovin it, a little too much, perhaps. i just had nine...