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  1. jerry zinfadel

    I Have a Few Plants that Need Some Expert Advice!

    you guys are have VERY good advice, hymem it's okay lol i just couldn't follow the guys after like the 8th page lol, Sounds good please teach me how to give rep points to hymem because every dam solution i'm using (most of the ones i listed) has potassium/potash in it, that's really what it...
  2. jerry zinfadel

    I Have a Few Plants that Need Some Expert Advice!

    honestly hymem, i didn't get anything out of it except a few guys bashing eachother, and b vitamins might possibly be bullshit lmao. But just be honest, with the stuff that i have now what do you think i should be doing? I do value opinions from people that have experience. I think i just used...
  3. jerry zinfadel

    I Have a Few Plants that Need Some Expert Advice!

    sounds good homie ya i'll take you up on that hymem
  4. jerry zinfadel

    I Have a Few Plants that Need Some Expert Advice!

    Hello everyone, i have a few plants that need some serious help i'll give you the conditions first: All of these plants are in a grow tent under 600w lights, plants are in a 4 gallon containers each, they're all in their 5th week of flower and have a 12/12 light cycle. Medium is a 50/50 blend...
  5. jerry zinfadel

    Timer is Messed Up!Did I mess my Plants Up?

    Hello everyone, i had a problem with my mechanical timer this morning, and also tell me if this is possible, on the timer there's 2 pins, on for the OFF and one for the ON. Lights turn on at 8PM and turn off at 8AM (12/12) the plants are in their 5th week of flower now and i woke up today to...
  6. jerry zinfadel

    Big Bud Usage Help!

    Hello everyone! So i ran my nutrient feed this week, and run it every other feeding as usual, but i'm finishing my 4th week of flower and ran all the nutes EXCEPT big bud like an idiot cuz i forgot to grab it. The next feeding is obviously just water and couple of other things. and by the time...
  7. jerry zinfadel

    Sunpulse Bulbs Need Help

    Hello everyone!! I have a problem with my lighting, i went to the ponics store yesterday and picked up the splitter by sunpulse and 2 600watt 4k bulbs to convert my 1000w ballast. I got them cuz i was running at like 84 degrees in the grow room and wanted to get it lower towards 80ish or less...
  8. jerry zinfadel

    Is alternating lights from hps to cfl safe????

    Yes it is serapis, and jesus no the point is i want it to be a mother with slower growth at this point, but of course if i could afford it i would have had another room with hps, i just so happened to have the cfl now for a year and don't wanna waste it ya that is the intent, keeping it as...
  9. jerry zinfadel

    Is alternating lights from hps to cfl safe????

    Hello everyone, i've been vegging a plant of jack herer under a 600 hps light, i want to turn her into a momma and bring her to a mother room with a 275w cfl ... will this be okay??? I know plenty of people go cfl to hps no problem but is it okay in reverse for mother plants??? thanks....
  10. jerry zinfadel

    Light Leakage in the dark period??? Need to know ASAP!!!!

    Thanks fellas, best buds love your quote!! lol kool sounds good i'm just being a little paranoid i guess, plus i heard that if they are used to it from the beginning of flower then that's what they know is dark.
  11. jerry zinfadel

    Light Leakage in the dark period??? Need to know ASAP!!!!

    hello everyone, okay here's the deal i have one room i'm restricted to so that i can grow in general, the areas about 12x12ft. i have one flowering tent that is 4x8 i leave it open because of space/heat problems, i have my babies anywhere from 72-78 degrees at all times. It works perfect and...
  12. jerry zinfadel

    Heat Problems and air exchange questions!! please help!!

    it's a royal sovereign 12000 btu system. i have a box with the 4'' piping directing flow through one of the sleeves of the tent. its a true ac unit. now would closing off the tent and just cleaning the air in the tent or room be better than forcing air thru the hoods? i kinda see the "push" the...
  13. jerry zinfadel

    Heat Problems and air exchange questions!! please help!!

    right my tent is 4x8 so i definitely know that the fan is more than enough. the room i am exhausting hot air to is surprisingly colder than you'd think. i'm not sure what to do still.....:(
  14. jerry zinfadel

    Heat Problems and air exchange questions!! please help!!

    Hey everyone, okay, so i got my room setup and have been going good, i added a 1000 watt lamp in there and i'm always around 90, i want to get down to around 75 without spending so much on my ac unit energy. Please help and tell me what my possibilities are with or without co2 because i'm...
  15. jerry zinfadel

    Plants burning??? please help!!

    it may be the lockout from the high feeding i dont know, do u let the nutes directly touch either when mixing? make sure they never touch nutrient on nutrient, they neeed to be mixed in the water ya know Thanks Aknight3 i'm gonna flush them for a few days and see what happens, i guess ocean...
  16. jerry zinfadel

    Plants burning??? please help!!

    thanks ! and i will check out the ebook
  17. jerry zinfadel

    Plants burning??? please help!!

    no, you're right tap does have high minerals, and its ph is bout 7.5 or so here. But that's fixed my ppm for minerals and other things is around 140 or so which is right around optimal if i remember correctly. I don't think that's it. but you are right.
  18. jerry zinfadel

    Plants burning??? please help!!

    hello everyone i've been to countless sites, still a newbie at growing and i just CAN'T find anything on this that's in stone, so here it goes: I'm growing a few different strains and these problems are happening throughout a few plants here and there, they're in about their 6th week of veg...