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  1. derius johnson

    Quick Question

    Can a plant flower as fast as 6-7 weeks?? cuz i started flowering March 25 and my trainwreck looks done can this be possible or does it seem to fast enough?? plant looks done but ima wait another week.. Thanks
  2. derius johnson

    Flowering Since late Feb...Still Dont Look Ready? (Pics!)

    damn bro i dont know.. i know its been a long flower but still looks to be building to me.. you could chop or wait a week and see what those white hairs do...
  3. derius johnson

    WTF Are These? Did My Plant Herm? (Pics Inside)

    thats not a fucking herm thats a bitch all the way i know herms had plenty of em.
  4. derius johnson


    Yea ive been told to flush everyday. Ive been flushing for 5 days now with all water is it correct to flush daily??
  5. derius johnson


    how long should i flush before harvesting?? thanks
  6. derius johnson

    Pot Size?

    can 2 gallon pot grow a 3ft plant or should i repot??
  7. derius johnson

    Week 4..Hairs are Starting to Turn Brown, Are Buds Gonna Get Any Bigger?

    yea i had two hermies and pulled one. I let one flower and the buds are fatt and beautiful. Im sure there will be a couple of seeds in it but i cant tell.
  8. derius johnson

    6 Weeks Flowering

    yea will update them tomorrow ma fones acting up thanks for the help tho everyone
  9. derius johnson

    Purple Trainwreck Just Harvested!

    yea i had bought a purple trainwreck clone and mine has no color dont get me wrong its frosty as fuck looks like someone came back there and threw sugar on it. Im 60 days into flowering they look done but i dont know if i should cut her yet..Im guessing trainwreck flowers in 60 days or so...
  10. derius johnson

    24" in Veg Start Flowering

    Hey i have a couple of sour diesel plants that r 24" now and have been on 18/6 should i start 12/12 or what?? how big will they get?? thanks
  11. derius johnson

    6 Weeks Flowering

    thanks for everything my HIGH ROLLERS lol
  12. derius johnson

    6 Weeks Flowering

    do i use a magnifying glass to inspect the trichomes or wat?? if so wat zoom 30x or wat?? thanks
  13. derius johnson

    6 Weeks Flowering

    Hey i have a purple trainwreck that has been flowering for 6 weeks the hairs are all red the plant looks done. How would i know the perfect time to harvest?? thanks everyone
  14. derius johnson

    Is She Ready?

    first pic is a week old the others r up 2 date
  15. derius johnson

    Is She Ready?

    Hey this plant has been flowering for 5 weeks. There are a lot of red hairs but also white hairs. Dont know if shes ready yet. Should i flower for two more weeks or wat?? thanks for the advice...
  16. derius johnson

    3 weeks into flowering look ok??

    Yea man out here in sacramento its been sunny at 7am everymorning for two weeks now. Its only gonna get sunnier from here on out. I threw them outside as soon as i noticed the weather. Cant wait to c what the buds look like n 2 more weeks. using all fox farm grow big big bloom tiger bloom...
  17. derius johnson

    3 weeks into flowering look ok??

    Yea my first grow just really observing everything closely!
  18. derius johnson

    Too early?

    How tall is the plant??
  19. derius johnson

    3 weeks into flowering look ok??

    Hey i have two og kush plants and two purple trainwreck plants. The purple trainwreck plants buds are producing faster than the og kush. Why is the og kush buds purple? thats crazi. So do the buds look formed for 3 weeks?? thanks!