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  1. Canabuds

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    Is anyone willing to come to a conclusion on these LED panels for flowering based on 9 weeks of flowering? I know the real science is after everything is dried and all. From what I can tell, the buds seem immature at this point, and I assume you will be going back to HPS pretty quick. (what...
  2. Canabuds

    low temperatures during flowering?

    Is that day or night temp? 65 degrees at night is probably fine. UncleBen has a post on garden tips and tweaks that says night temp should be 15 degrees lower. He uses 85/70, but 85 F seems hotter than others recommend; whether you are running CO2 probably has quite a bit to do with the...
  3. Canabuds

    Temperatures get low.

    Good point, hooray for safety! If heat only needs to come on at night, then it might not be an issue. How big is your grow space by the way? I was checking things out and you can pick up one of those day/night temp. controllers on Amazon for like $70, I'll probably get one when I get some...
  4. Canabuds

    Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

    Don't throw out that chart just yet. Ben is talking about growing in soil, in DWC when the roots are sitting in just water then the water ph will be more important. As long as you aren't using a shit-ton of ph-up or down things should be fine in general. 5.0 is pretty close to what you want...
  5. Canabuds

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    Hey Benny, I was just wondering why you opted for the 30 degree LED for a SOG setup. My understanding is that the 30 degree ones are for growing big tall plants, but your plants sounds like they will be a couple feet tall. Seems like you would be sacrificing coverage area, but maybe the...
  6. Canabuds

    dwc just a water pump no airstone,can i

    You can do whatever the hell you want, but it won't neseccarily grow great weed. Air stones are tried and true for DWC, the water pump alone could maybe work. How about both? Have you looked into quiet air pumps at all. they have funky sound cancelling domes, I am using one that claims...
  7. Canabuds

    Temperatures get low.

    No need for a timer, just keep a little heater at a low setting that will pop on when the temp gets low. Assuming you have a thermometer (preferably with memory) you can just trial-and-error tweak the heater so it keeps the plants optimum at night. The temps are fine during lights on, so the...
  8. Canabuds

    How Organic is this Grow?!?

    Hi all, I am growing in Pro-mix HP using Pure Blend Pro hydro Bloom and cal-mag plus and I just started using organic blackstrap molasses. In Veg I used earth juice grow. All water is tap water, de-chlorinated for at least 24hr. ph just under 7 I don't believe the PBP or Earth Juice is...
  9. Canabuds

    Molasses lowers PH

    I recently had a similar problem as I started using molasses for the first time 4weeks into flower and it is tricky to tell the ph with the liquid test kit as the molasses water solution is quite tinted already. 1 tbsp molasses per gallon of water will lower the ph a bit, but nothing crazy. I...
  10. Canabuds

    Light, electrical question

    you will probably get nuissance tripping with both those lights on the same 20 amp circuit. Any kind of current over like 16 (80% rated) amps is getting sketchy. If your electrical system is working properly it is just annoying and not really dangerous. Any chance of putting them on seperate...
  11. Canabuds

    Self Diagnose Your Plants

    Great thread. :clap: I was reading up on purple stems, as I am seeing this on some of my plants. I can't even figure out if there a problem with it; otherwise it seems to be related cold temps or deficiency in Phosphorus or cal. and or mag. I am halfway thru flower, temps are 78ish day and...
  12. Canabuds

    LED grow

    White LEDs with about as many lumens / watt as the best HPS exist, they just are not economically feasible for a grow light at this point. But lumens are a measurement that is biased for the human and has little to do with appropriate photosynthesis spectrums. I am using a HydroGrow Led 126w...
  13. Canabuds

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    Thank you for the close up bud shot. Do you have any experience with LED light overexposure during flowering? Some of my buds were like 4" away for a while until I built a screen; everything seems fine but I was seeing brown hairs 2.5 weeks flowering and that seems too early. Strains have...
  14. Canabuds

    LED GROW TEST. 126W hydro grow led VS. 180W pro source LED LIGHT

    Hi Irish, I've been keeping a close eye on the journal as I have just started using LED lighting for the first time. I have a 126w penetrator as my sole source of flowering light. I have it at 6 inches away from canopy currently. This Saturday is 3 weeks of 12/12 (I think you may be exactly...