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  1. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Nah, its about 60 watt all together!
  2. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Thnx for the news man! I kinda thought the same thing, how's that dead you know, when it is still actually standing. I just noticed from some vidz that usually the next set of leaves comes out basically at the same time as cotyledon leaves, but I guess it depends, just like in my case!!
  3. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Thank you guys all for all the suggestions and advises, I will keep you posted and let you know on the progression!! This seems like a great community!
  4. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Oh sweet, you just put a smile in my face, and my hopes are back again!! I'm just gonna improvize and make a fixture for those lights!! You think that is the reason why the other sets of leaves didn't show up!?
  5. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Thanks man, I am already actually waiting for two other seeds to germinate, I think also the seeds are not really quality ones, since I just used some from my last green I had! However I think, I'm just gonna have to buy some feminized seeds to start with. I heard skunk #11 is good strain for...
  6. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    You think so? Even though the color of it its like green and still standing?
  7. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Oh alright, I understand and it makes sense that my CFL's are pointing down instead horizontally!! However don't you think it should have shown the second set of leaves though by now? Is this normal?? I am sorry for too many questions, I just want to make this a successful plant!
  8. comsci

    Seedling problem, only cotyledon leaves, need advises!

    Hi all, I am really a newbie, and this is my first grow. It has been like 10days since my seedlings has sprouted and I only see the first leaves, or known as cotyledon. As far as I have researched the second set of leaves should have been already out by now. Here are my pictures from my...