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  1. NonPersonal

    Trainwreck, 400w hps closet, hempy grow... Purple Kush on deck.

    ROFL Accidentally.. DWC owns ^_^
  2. NonPersonal

    Trainwreck, 400w hps closet, hempy grow... Purple Kush on deck.

    I will be watching, keep those updates comming ! Looks good so far mate Love that purple kush.
  3. NonPersonal

    Trainwreck, 400w hps closet, hempy grow... Purple Kush on deck.

    Hey Mate, Love the Journal, subscribed. Keep it up
  4. NonPersonal

    Mi Goreng

    Mi Goreng Noodles Who else believes these are freakin amazing? :blsmoke:
  5. NonPersonal

    Grow journal for bagseed

    Hope it doesnt get to much taller, I cant wait to see the end result ! +rep for the journal
  6. NonPersonal

    All hydro growers

    Mate, If you set up a journal for your grow, PM me. Good Luck
  7. NonPersonal

    All hydro growers

    There ya go, the only way to fully know, is to try. Give it a go then post on the forums about the Tabs. Share that knowledge Hope all goes well mate
  8. NonPersonal

    All hydro growers

    I just use tap water, but let it sit for 24hrs so it removes the Chlorine. Distilled water is to much where I live.
  9. NonPersonal

    All hydro growers

    420 is the code
  10. NonPersonal

    Grow journal for bagseed

    They are looking great, keep it up mate
  11. NonPersonal

    Oz kid

    pretty much...
  12. NonPersonal

    Oz kid

    Or smoke weed for a living? bongsmilie :bigjoint:
  13. NonPersonal


    I'm going both Cooltube and Aircon, cuz in aussie, this summer, its gonna get hot. (only bad thing about being aussie, is heat oh and no medical mary jane) I have also found a way to relocate my cupboard and use both Cooltube and Aircon, with fans. <3 GT ^_^
  14. NonPersonal

    Oz kid

    why did you wanna be a cop in the first place?? Aussie's FTW
  15. NonPersonal


    not enough room to vent it, its a stealth cupboard, and i can have the cupboard sitting in front of the aircon. And i can rise up and down the aircon to the light's level. No one will see the venting =D
  16. NonPersonal


    If i was to use a 400W HPS in a storage cupboard without a cooltube, do you think an air con could keep the temps down ? Omega Altise - Products - Portable Air Conditioners this is the aircon im looking at getting. And where would the aircon best be located. I could make it blow...
  17. NonPersonal

    I am Delivering Pitbull Puppies

    Gratz on the puppies man
  18. NonPersonal

    Bagseed CFL Stealth, MAX LST

    its looking good mate!! keep it up
  19. NonPersonal

    PC Grow (Options)

    Thanks for all the support Arrid, I'm going to see how big 'she' gets and make my decisions based on the space I have, but I will more then likely lean to using LST, but at the same time, I could incorporate both LST and lollypopping, If I use my space wisely and could produce a nice lil crop...