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  1. Daily]Sifter

    New might need help?

    those are some lanky plants.... how old? also it looks like u started to top the plants or something like that cuz u have some weird angles growing there. u probly shouldnt top or fim ur plants until they are much older id say.... i did mine at around 4-5 weeks old.... your seedlings that are...
  2. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    ph: somewhere from 5.8-6.3..... its quite the range but my ph tester is not accurate, esp cuz my watering solution is a tint brown from nutes, so the run off is even darker.
  3. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    thanks guys... im willin to bet it is a ph problem. i have a very simple tester thats not easily used on soil. il def check the run off. i dont have an over or under watering problem i can assure all of you. my guess is the ph level is off locking up nitrogen makin my plants deficient and weakk...
  4. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    thats clearly not the problem.... please take time to look!
  5. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    man thats 45 seconds u can take to get a snack... please ppl i need some advice on this and really, u only need to see one or 2 of the pics to get a general idea
  6. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    ANYONE care to comment?... im sure SOMEONE knows what i need.........
  7. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    here are pics... pleae take time to check some out
  8. Daily]Sifter

    yellow, bright green and dying leaves.... help?

    iv had the majority of these plants for almost 2 months and they have been preflowering for 2 weeks or so. they always had a yellow leaf here and there but that was on the large sunleafs at the very bottom. now new leaves and tips r starting to turn aswell and im getting worried. iv recently...
  9. Daily]Sifter

    insecticide... how should i use it?

    anyone?...... all i really need to know is if it would be safe to spray them, then bring them inside.
  10. Daily]Sifter

    All The Little Babies <3

    a friend of mine has the cheese, not sure if its the blue cheese but he says its a farily easy plant and its some really fuckin potent. now im no expert, at all, but if i had access to the cheese, id definitely expand with it because it seems like a good strong strain that is pretty promising...
  11. Daily]Sifter

    insecticide... how should i use it?

    i just bought some insecticide to help control the problem iv been having with some little nat looking flies. the insecticide is suppose to be all natural and so on, so its safe to use with my plants i can assure you. however, i sleep in the same room my setup is in. my worry is that the spray...
  12. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    so your saying theres a chance the yellowed and dried leaves could green up again? and that if anything at all, i should just wait to see if they fall off on thier own? makes sense anyhow, i guess it would be the plant who should decide. im guessin the plant will shed the leaves on its own if...
  13. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    so your saying theres a chance the yellowed and dried leaves could green up again? and that if anything at all, i should just wait to see if they fall off on thier own? makes sense anyhow, i guess it would be the plant who should decide. im guessin the plant will shed the leaves on its own if...
  14. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    so the plants did end up recovering, however they now have many dry and yellow leaves on the lower branches from the whole ordeal. my question is should i cut off whatever is dried and/or yellow, or should it just be left alone. the plants havnt really grown since the problem occured and theyr...
  15. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    damn i forgot to check the ph until i saw this. i just checked it and its a whopping 6.4. correct me if im wrong but way too high am i right?
  16. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    yesterday i changed the water, nutes, and added the biggest airstone i could fit in the a/g. the plants dont look much better, but then again they dont look any worse so i think thats an improvement considering they declined to this state within a day.
  17. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    i think what i might do is go out and buy some of the two ph up and down. thanks for the replies everyone, and thanks to whoever made this a sticky
  18. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    krozone, i have been using water from my brita filter that iv let sit for about 2 days with no lid. however, i did need to top it off with some water that wasnt sitting for too long, but that was more than a week ago. i only put water in once so the nutes i used were the starter nutes that come...
  19. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    im just a little freaked out at the moment that they rapidly have digressed in progress. right now the kush plant is beginning to show similar signs to the ww, and now they are both showing sings of yellowing leaves. i checked the ph and its pretty high for aeroponics, around 6-6.2. i also have...
  20. Daily]Sifter

    WILTED WIDOW PLANT! need help

    i think what il do is a transplant because i have a feeling theyr just getting way too over watered inside the a/g. it makes me a little pissed off that i dropped like 150 on this thing when i could have built a much better system for like 70 bucks. i guess il just save it as a cloner. do u guys...