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  1. MasterShake1

    I need help please !!

    okay so I started a grow and I bought some lights 1 was a 300 watt ps light that gave off 4160 lummnes and they said to veg you need like 6500 and then I also bought a 42 watt cfl and that gives off 2700 lummens so I have them both on but I don't know if what I am doing is right. Please any...
  2. MasterShake1

    First CFL Bagseed Experiment

    Man great job I subscribed.
  3. MasterShake1

    starting a grow!

    a 150w hps puts out, so i think overall quality and yeild wil be somewhat high??!!??!! any clue anyone, can we find any 200w cfl grows to have an idea of what to expect? Well this is what you asked sorry I got it wrong.
  4. MasterShake1

    30 days flowering (pics) CFL

    Is she getting smelly? If so are you filtering?
  5. MasterShake1

    30 days flowering (pics) CFL

    Dammn man. They are so nice GREAT JOB I hope you don't mind I saved some of them. Great pics. Very nice I just put 3 seeds in this morning so we will see. Thanks for the update man.
  6. MasterShake1

    starting a grow!

    You can find them you might have to special order them on-line. They say a gram for every watt. As far as yields go.
  7. MasterShake1

    starting a grow!

    Yep that is true. I have subscribed. Good thread. Can't wait to see pics of the operation:eyesmoke:
  8. MasterShake1

    Quickest way to induce flowering

    just start them off with 12/12 and they will start to flower, but you might want to veg for 1 week then switch.
  9. MasterShake1

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    If a light says that it puts out 2155 and you add another one do you add those and then would that be to much lumens or can you use two of 2700 or do you have to get two that equal the 2700 I am confused please help
  10. MasterShake1

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    AAAWWWW man that suck dope man, maybe next time.
  11. MasterShake1

    white rhno first grow guys crack me up
  12. MasterShake1

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    Hell ya bro I would do it Man that is killer man. AWESOME
  13. MasterShake1

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    OOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh very nice.
  14. MasterShake1

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Oh by the way +1 rep for you Mr.
  15. MasterShake1

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Hey man I just registered on your page I will look it over with a fine tooth comb. Thank you very much for being so polite and helpful thank you.
  16. MasterShake1

    Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!

    Alright a party Sweet man Can I
  17. MasterShake1

    Just a Little Bagseed guy here

    Hey Roseman Thanks for the vote of confidence. I do plan on staying here for quite some time Thanks Bro.:eyesmoke:
  18. MasterShake1

    Just a Little Bagseed guy here

    Hello I am going to give it an honest try so I can indulge in my own pleasures. Hope I can do it. Thanks :eyesmoke:
  19. MasterShake1

    Lumens, Lux, and Adding It all Up

    I am confused I am starting a grow box that is 24" High and it is 14"wide and it is 10" deep. How many lights do you think i will need and what sizes I want to do cfl. Please help I am trying to figure this out but it seems the more I learn the more confused I get. And yes I am a Newbie. But...
  20. MasterShake1

    PC Case grow - Stealth + Perpetual + LST

    Man what an awesome link dude I love it. You just saved me a ton of money to. Thank you very much. Plus I Subscribed. What if you don't have one of those big pc like you have. Can you do it in a regular pc case and if so Does anybody body know of a thread with the build and possibly pics as...