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  1. O

    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    what strains are pre have any kush strains?
  2. O

    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Ok cool....good to know....I'm hoping these plants can stand up to that canadian autumn. I'm so anxious to see some flowering on these babies.....Only 4 weeks now from seed....still too young i guess
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    This is my first grow. I'm curious myself if i've waited too long to start. The nights right now are around 20 degrees celsius. Even in September they stay pretty close to 10 degrees at night. I'm hoping they start the flowering process soon. Don't really have the option to finish inside at...
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Ya I'm really hoping they are females. Can't wait for them to start showing either way. I've recently heard that weed will not flower in the first 6 weeks because it is not at sexual maturity yet. Even if they are grown in a flowering environment (ie. 12/12 light). Can anyone else confirm...
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    Opinions? How close to flowering?

    Sup all... I got a couple pink kush plants growing in my yard. I live in southern ontario. They are almost 4 weeks old from seed. Grown outdoor in pots from day 1. I planted them july 12. They are short healthy plants and I'm not expecting much yield but.......when do you think these baby's...
  6. O

    Yay, first grow!

    Your plants look awesome. You also have an awesome rack. Enjoyed your thread
  7. O

    Could i get some help with my Bill??

    cost= watts x hours used x cost per kwh / 1000 month= 672 hours (approx) cost= 120 x 672 x .139972 / 1000 = $11.30 a month approx
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    Tap roots showing....transplant??

    so it is normal to have root showing out the bottom of pot? Is it just the plant finding its boundaries? As long as this causes no damage to my plant I'd rather keep it in the smaller pot.
  9. O

    Stealth outdoor grow getting any signs of flowering yet?
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    Tap roots showing....transplant??

    I have a 3 1/2 week old plant in a 2 gallon pot. The tap roots are starting to poke out the holes in bottom of pot. If I wanted to keep my plants small, and keep them in the same pot right through flowering. Would this damage the plant ? I understand the yield will be smaller if i don't...
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    1st time outdoor grow....late start

    Does anyone think if I covered my plants up at night say around 6 pm when my yard gets shady anyways. Would this add a few hours of darkness to the cycle therefor speeding up the change to flowering? Just concerned about having enough time in season for buds to mature.
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    1st time outdoor grow....late start

    ahhh ... ok....good too know....mine are just over 3 hopefully they start flowering soon....thanks
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    1st time outdoor grow....late start

    What would be the earliest they could flower? Is there a certain age or size that plants must be before they can begin flowering? Do you think I should be rotating them for full day sun?
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    1st time outdoor grow....late start

    Here are some pics....any help or advice would be appreciated
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    1st time outdoor grow....late start

    I planted germinated seeds in pots outdoors. Seeds were in soil July 12. It has been just over 3 weeks. I am growing in back yard in Toronto area. Seeds were bagseed from a very nice pink kush strain. Plants are short but have large leafs with strong stems. They are receiving full daylight...