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    The Three - Amazing Shits....

    this is the shit LOL
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    :Joint: Tokin'

    keep rolling:joint:bongsmilie:joint:
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    using molases in hydroponics? slimy stuff in the tank!

    highly doubt that, i do have lots of light in my tank, but bofore i put the molasses the water was i think its bacteria feeding on the sugar??
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    nice work, but so far after reading this thread, i can say i have learned almost nothing! people who have used molasses dont feel much of an effect,but the bag appeal,smell,..and shit like that(thats what i concluded) ...scientifically which is what i was looking for!! no one has scientifically...
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    using molases in hydroponics? slimy stuff in the tank!

    Hello, a complete noob here, i'ev been reading so many about using molases in the feed, so i did that. im using hydroponics/organic nutes, so i added 3tsp molases to my 50L resr. after 1 day, i have a lot of yelowish slime in my tank, with a bit of a bad smell too. is this bacteria? what...
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    2 week old clones yellowing curling, Any thoughts?

    it looks like a nute burn to me...does the soil come with nutes in it? make sure, cus those look like a nutes burn to me. ...i would repot them in a new soil 'with NO food', using distilled water...this might help them
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    why my plant acting crazy by end of light shift?

    yup, thats the new feed schedual 17/15min, when i had the curling leaf, i was feeding 3 times/light cycl which is not nearly enough i discovered...
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    why my plant acting crazy by end of light shift?

    after some good readings i think u and i got the same problem during good light periods, plants need enough water during intense light periods to sustain the more rapid evaporation happening to leaves... so u might be having an underwatering problem like me :)
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    why my plant acting crazy by end of light shift?

    17/15min water feed time cycles is ok? every hour i feed for 15 min using 2 drippers/plat since i'm using 4"rockwool in hydroron...?:joint::joint::joint::joint:
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    why my plant acting crazy by end of light shift?

    i think i got is not watered enough i think..ill go 15min per hr during light time, right?
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    why my plant acting crazy by end of light shift?

    Hi problem dont need pics i think, its as simple as follows: By the end of each light shift 18/6 my WhiteWidow (4-5 weeks old/ 2 plants) start bending down like as if its dieng or over watered.. BUT! by the end of the dark shift (which is next to me in my ac cooled room) the plant...