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  1. Kushafornia18


    Ok , I stopped the nutes now i'm just giving regular ph tap water . But you say the clone is plenty big for the sun but when it's in direct sunlight for a max of 2 hours it starts wilting & looking dry . Any advice ?
  2. Kushafornia18

    Clones to Outdoor Help !

    Ok, so I did exactly what you did(more or less) & so far my girls are looking nice . My tahoe OG clone looks great & the alien OG is still short & yellowish . I clipped a few leaves thats were completely dead so she looks alright . I stopped feeding nutes & now i'm just giving straight ph water...
  3. Kushafornia18

    Clones to Outdoor Help !

    How long should I leave a clone in the shade before I can start getting it used to sunlight ? Does anyone know anything about this "hardening process" ? & how long till I see growth ? Thanks of time for any advice :cool:
  4. Kushafornia18


    How long should I leave a clone in the shade before I can start getting it used to sunlight ? Does anyone know anything about this "hardening process" ? & how long till I see growth ? Thanks ahead of time for any advice :cool:
  5. Kushafornia18


    I can't really picture this problem being from overwatering seeing as though I only watered it once when I planted in to it's soil . The only way I can see that as a possibility is if it can be over watered from spray(normal ph'd water) . Although I may be wrong I think I added to much fertz...
  6. Kushafornia18


    Thanks ! :D I appreciate the help
  7. Kushafornia18


    It was transplanted into organic soil from a local homedepot . Do you think she'll survive ? And should I keep her in the shade ? Also I heardd rumors about leaves curling and turning yelllow once roots are growing into the soil . Could this be why ?
  8. Kushafornia18


    I'll definitely keep that in mind . I'm not exactly sure how old they are but I'd say no more than a few weeks .
  9. Kushafornia18


    This isn't my first grow but it's my first experience with a clone . I transferred it outdoors to soil the day I got it as instructed by the budtender and kept it in shade as I gave it a few hours of sunlight . Here's a pic of my girl , any idea what's wrong ?
  10. Kushafornia18


    My clones are from a local club & I transferred them tou outdoor soil as they were in a rockwool cube indoors . I gave ferts to the clones and i'm starting to notice yellowing all over my girls . Could it be from the transfer from indoor to sunlight ? Or is it the fertz ?
  11. Kushafornia18

    My clones need help !

    Thanks for the reply , i'll try to post a picture of my female Alien OG clone . If you look at the upper leaves & bottom you can seee curling & yellowing
  12. Kushafornia18

    My clones need help !

    My clones are from a local club and I took them from whatever set up they were in at the club & transferred the rockwool cube'd clones to soil outdoors . Leaves are turning yellow & some at the bottom are curling , could this be new root growth ? Or did I fertilize to early/much ?