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  1. cherrybombtrees

    Dry leaves and brown spots ?

    Here is a couple pics, but my cam kinda sucks. Its starting to spread to other leaves , so anyhelp would be appreciated. I have only fed her very dilluted Dutch Nutrient Formula, Grow. I have not got the bloom nutes yet.
  2. cherrybombtrees

    Dry leaves and brown spots ?

    Hey guys n gals, im on my second grow, i started 2 more of this strain. They went into flower on 0ct 6 and already they are showing some yellowing and brown spots. This happened before, but it only affected the one strain, the others were fine. But the last time it happened it was later in the...
  3. cherrybombtrees

    When to harvest?

    Yeah tru enough, so I should be able to notice to amber color of the tichs with my naked eye?
  4. cherrybombtrees

    When to harvest?

    Sweet, thanks for the help. I grew these with no bloom nutes. And they still turned out pretty good.
  5. cherrybombtrees

    When to harvest?

    Cool thanks, well here is a pic of one them.
  6. cherrybombtrees

    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    Yea for sure. I live in Canada , but we are still feeling the affects of the corrupt government, not just yours ither. Our priminister is in Osama's, whoops I mean Obama's pocket.
  7. cherrybombtrees

    When to harvest?

    Hey fellow pot heads, this is my first grow, I have 10 plants, 3 are getting ready to harvest. They went into 21 hour Aug 27, so they are around 7 weeks, and almost half the hairs are red. But I dont have a magnifyer to veiw the trichomes, I cant buy one cuz im broke as a joke. So how do I go...
  8. cherrybombtrees

    Ventilation ?

    Hey guys n gals. Im about 25 days into my first flower cycle. I have 6 babies under a 600watt HPS in a 6 by 6 by 8 ft high closet. The light is in a cooltube vented hood. I have one 19 inch osillating fan and a inline 6" to vent the light. I had it set up like this : window to fan to light then...
  9. cherrybombtrees

    How many times can you switch from 18 hours of light to 12 ?

    Hello guys and gals. Im new to this site and also growing. Anyways im gonna make this as short as possible. I was growing a seed a found from a bag. I had it in the window for about a month or so, and it was looking like a nice healthy plant. So I decided to see if was a female so I just bought...