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  1. E

    Auto's and flowering

    Hi everyone, just wondering ive got a few auto's that have started flowering, do i need to change the lighting schedule? I know im ment to with normal plants, but because they are auto's im not sure. Thanks.
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    cfl and led

    Hey guys, just wondering is it ok to use cfls and led at the same time? because ive got a 125watt cft and a 90 watt led.
  3. E

    How quickly do plants react to under or over nutrients

    Hi all, new to hydroponics, and growing in general really. I made a small hydro setup in a wardrobe. I was wondering, how long does it take on average for a plant to show signs of to many or to little nutrients? I was wondering because im finding it tricky to tell if im getting it right or not :/
  4. E

    Cutting half the plant off

    Thank you dudes very much, i will chop tomoz, and let ya know what happens in a couple of days 8))
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    Cutting half the plant off

    Hi, the top half of my plants buds are ready to harvest, but the lower half buds could use some more grow time. I was wondering if its ok to cut the top half off to dry them and keep the bottom half still growing. I dont want to risk killing it, but i wanna get some bud lol
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    awesome, that makes life alot simpler 8)
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    Does anyone use ionisers in there cabinet? I need to start looking into odur control and am wondering if they are any good?
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    Red spectrum and seeds

    Thats great to here, it means i can have a constant supplie growing now 8))
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    Led Users Unite!

    I did start a grow using a 15watt multi spectrum LED, it started off well, but very soon i felt that the grow was taking way to long. After about a month and a half i swicthed to a 45watt cfl and within a week noticed a hell of a difference. That might be just timing tho cos it started entering...
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    Red spectrum and seeds

    Hi there, I have a small grow cuboard setup, and I have a plant just coming into flower stage so im using the red spectrum CFL bulb atm. My question is that is it ok to start a new seed using the red sepctrum bulb, or would i have to have it on blue spectrum?
  11. E

    A little help with first grow.

    Yeah, no nuts yet, its to young