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  1. naboo

    CFL vs HPS

    Ya man, with that amount of cfls, 4 plants will flower nicely. The light wont penatrate the canopy like a hps would, but you dont have to worrie as mutch about heat. Just make sure at least most of the cfls are 2700k for flowering. Happy growing.
  2. naboo

    Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

    I think that religion should be a personal matter. as soon as its more than one person the belifs have to be bent to suit everyone. organized religion is just another way of geting people to conform to their way of thinking, to get people to band together to point their finger at someone else. I...
  3. naboo

    CFL Grow *Update* 15 days bud

    Thats a nice looking plant man. Does the plant get any taller when flowering?
  4. naboo

    Hey ppl tag a long, where u from?

    Cork city, Ireland. Anyone else from Ireland?