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  1. K

    Guerilla Growing...

    No there is no way to ensure that the crop takes care of itself until harvest. The only way to achieve this is to create your own world that allows you to control the elements. When you grow anything outdoors you run the risk of your crop potentially being ruined. Think about farmers, they can...
  2. K

    recycle soil?

    I would not reuse soil. I personally would not do it, because it reminds me wearing someone else's underwear. It just doesn't feel right.
  3. K

    is it ok to flush with spring water

    I would say that you should be ok. Just to be sure about the chlorine I would let the water sit with the top off for at least 24 hours. You probably don't have to worry about the chlorine but if you can let it sit, let it.
  4. K

    Free Grow Videos

    Here is a great video that you can watch in order to get an idea on how to grow marijuana from a very basic and simplistic approach. Its a video that I actually did with an experienced grower. Here is the link...
  5. K

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi everyone my name is Kali Kola and I am glad to be a part of this forum. I have a lot of information I can share in regards to marijuana, growing marijuana, or using marijuana. I hope that I can contribute my knowledge and help some people along in this forum. I also plan on learning a lot...