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  1. retyred


    I don't have a loupe or microscope but got this pic with direct sunlight. Is this what I'm looking for?
  2. retyred

    Was Marijuana Really Less Potent in the 1960s?

    As a recent "retiree" who did without mj for over 35 years because of my career I think it has become more potent. Breeding, genetics and growing techniques have increased thc levels. In high school in the 60s you could smoke and still function, stuff I've run into now will pretty well make me...
  3. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    I'm new to this grow stuff. Had 40 years of routine, random and post accident drug testing as a trucker. I quit 2 years ago. Got a million mile safe driving award.
  4. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Nice, I'm a bit behind you time wise. About 3-4 weeks to go for me.
  5. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Sometimes I add "evein" mineral water for the calmag. .
  6. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Floratonic nutes 2/3 recommended dose, 10x 26w cfl 20-4 lights, 7.5 litre pots, 50/50 coco perlite. Water every 3-4 days drain runoff to flush salt buildup. Ph 6.
  7. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Would like to try them outdoors but, where I would grow them flush with deer. Might try a couple indoors. How large can they get?
  8. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Lotta work for small yield think I'll try Northern Lights next. The advantage is a very compact fast growing plant. My wife wouldn't let me build a whiskey still.
  9. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club
  10. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    2 Dwarf Low Flyer CKS
  11. retyred


    Lou Reid & Carolina + Time:
  12. retyred


    Actually I just gave that album to my son, in mono!
  13. retyred

    Tv from the 60's.70's & 80's .

    The first TV programs OTA I watched were Howdy Doody, The Friendly Giant and Hockey Night in Canada. Picture was so bad it was years before I realized there was a puck!
  14. retyred


    I think it is flowering. Only 32 days old. A first for me. I had 40 years of routine, random and post accident drug testing. My wife wouldn't let me build a still.
  15. retyred


  16. retyred

    Canadian Growers Club

    Hmm, Canadian eh. Dad came from Britain September 1929. Mother family from France 1700s. I was born in Ontario, guess I qualify.
  17. retyred


  18. retyred


    Very well. Especially since I never had a green thumb. Nothing but 40 years of diesel exhaust in me.
  19. retyred


  20. retyred


    Grow doing well. Very basic. 10 CFL 26watt, mylar tent, coco/perlite 50/50, Dwarf Low Flyer CKS. Flora tonic nutes. Flood and drain. PH 6