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  1. ganjafarma808

    Help Please. First time growing

    Cant really tell from those pics. Sounds like leaf miners. Are there any gnats flying around the grow area? Are you using any nutes?
  2. ganjafarma808

    first cfl grow! pics.

    Looks pretty healthy from what I can tell. I have a single leaf that something was eating. This is also the one and only leaf on my plant that this happened to. Weeeird I bought floros similar to those and yea, I would take off the covers.
  3. ganjafarma808

    Lower Leaves Yellowing with some Brown Spots

    The same thing is happening to my plant. Today I noticed random spots and before that noticed the yellowing of lower leaves. I plan on flushing my next water. You should probably do the same :bigjoint:
  4. ganjafarma808

    Cuppling leaves, now drooping?

    try giving it a thorough flush
  5. ganjafarma808

    My plant is drooping! please help!

    I dont think you can clone at such a young age but not 100% sure
  6. ganjafarma808

    Buds run wild or trim?

    you can try start using molasses. 2 tablespoons per gallon
  7. ganjafarma808

    Big Bud Grow

    Is that 1.5 oz's all together or per plant?
  8. ganjafarma808

    Does my plant look healthy?

    I would. What kinna nutrients you using?
  9. ganjafarma808

    Big Bud Grow

    what was the dry weight?
  10. ganjafarma808

    Does my plant look healthy?

    Looks like you have some kind of defficiency. Do those leaves have a white haze or something on it or is it just the lighting?
  11. ganjafarma808

    My plant is drooping! please help!

    Stick your finger in the soil and if its dry 2"-3" down give it a thorough watering
  12. ganjafarma808

    My plant is drooping! please help!

    Might wanna layoff on the misting Whats your watering schedule?
  13. ganjafarma808

    16 cfl, 5 floros, 2 ladies. Purple Hairs?

    damn thats a pretty cool setup how long into flowering are you?
  14. ganjafarma808

    is this a male?

    a shemale:-(
  15. ganjafarma808

    Buds turned into leaves!!!

    post some pics
  16. ganjafarma808

    leaves wont lift anymore? help please

    Try watering every 3-4 days. Stick your finger in the soil and when it feels dry 2"-3" down then give it a thorough watering
  17. ganjafarma808

    Help! Leaves folding down like a upside down taco!

    hmmm yup that could also be a possibility. might wanna give it a thorough flush. are there any other signs of trouble? or its just the droopy leaves and clawing? did you read this?
  18. ganjafarma808

    Help! Leaves folding down like a upside down taco!

    I have the exact same problem. My large fan leaves showed it first and then some of the younger leaves did the same. They're curling under like a "claw" huh? Any pics?
  19. ganjafarma808

    Problem 6 weeks into flowering.

    Hey Im also in the process of my first grow, not as far into flowering, but I have read that the leaves will naturally yellow in the flowering stage close to harvest. Not 100% sure but just some stuff I have read on this site