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  1. E

    Ice or Purple kush?

    I have been growing ice for over a year now. I've had good luck with it. I grow in soil and have been average 1.5lbs a 1000 watt light. I was thinking of changing strains to purple kush, but I'm afraid I won't get the same yield or potency. Anyone know anything about these strains?
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    over dried my crop?

    I over dried my crop, how can I and some moisture back?
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    how often should I replace my HPS bulbs?

    How often should I replace bulbs?
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    lighting for mothers

    Would 4 t5's 4 feet in in length be enough to keep 3 mothers. Or should I go with a 400 MH.
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    650 cfm exhaust fan enough for this set up?

    I grow in my garage witch is totally insulated. I am bringing my intake air in from my house witch is the same temp as my house (72). I would rather bring my intake from inside because in the winter I am bringing in warm air and the summer it helps keep my room cool. My temps in the room are...
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    650 cfm exhaust fan enough for this set up?

    well how much more do I need. You didn't really tell me how much I need.
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    650 cfm exhaust fan enough for this set up?

    My room is 11 x 11 and 10 ft high. I have 3 x 1000 hps and a 600 hps. I'm growing in 7 gallon pots and I have 15 girls. I am wondering is my 650 cfm carbon filter exhaust fan enough or should have a second?
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    trimming lower branches

    I've got about three weeks left till harvest. Can I trim all my lower branches that aren't getting any light. I just noticed that I have a little bit of powdry mildew on my leaves, so I Sprayed them with some shit I bought at the local growing store. I thought if I can take off some of the...
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    I want to start keeping some mothers. What watt MH lamp should I use to veg them with?
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    Charcoal filters

    How long roughly does a charcoal filter last?
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    when to flush?

    So do you just run your nutes down to the end?
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    when to flush?

    Just wondering when is the best time to start flushing my plants. I have been doing it 10 days before harvest. Also do I need to buy a flushing agent or can I just flush with straight PHed water. Oh almost forgot I'm growing in soil.
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    Soil growers

    Yes I know, I've tried 5 gallon pots in the past and I found that my girls would become root bound with 30 days left to flower. I do not have a height issue in my room. The reason I ask about watering from the top or bottom, I actually do both. I alternate from top one time, to bottom...
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    Soil growers

    I am growing in 7 gallon pots using pro mix. My question is what is the best way to water. Is it better to water from the top of the pot so you get run off, or should I water from the bottom, into the tray.
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    lighting question?

    The room is 10X 10 and I'm growing in 5 gallon pots in soil.
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    topping question?

    When should you stop topping your girls? Just before you flip or can you keep topping into flowering?
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    lighting question?

    I'm going to have 3 hps 1000 watts lights with 18 girls. Should I add another light or will this give me enough coverage?
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    Transplanting question?

    Can you transplant 2 weeks into flowering?
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    How many lights do I need?

    How many lights do I need for 18 babies. I have been using 3x 1000 HPS for 18 girls. I wondering if I should get one more to increase my yield. Or is 3 enough. What do you guys thinks?