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  1. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Oh my god were did they go!!!...:o
  2. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    gonna try...i have another 17,000 lumens in cfl's on the side too so its almost like a 400 watter in my closet..for me the big difference this time was the bc nutes that i changed to i was using fox farm before and my friend who has been growing for 15 years said he's had the most sucess with BC...
  3. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Well guys heres the final weigh in on the blue cheese grow..just over a quater pound at 4ounces and 10 grams (122grams)heres some pics enjoy!!!(i wear a size 12 shoe).. p.s gotta another round started up this time with couple of northen lights and cheese..gonna lst 6 plants should be...
  4. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Just Harvested My Blue Cheese Grow(3 plants 2 lst and one straight up) that i've been posting on over last month or so(around page 299)...did the harvest yesterday and had 320 grams i'm thinking around 105 grams dried (1/3 of wet weight) what do you guys think.. thats about right??..I...
  5. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Well, Since everyone is showing off there ladies I couldn't resist.. heres's my blue cheese grow day 47....
  6. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Everybody nice grows!!!! gotta love the 250 hps...smoke up!!!
  7. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    hey and don't get rid of those cfl's...i use mine with my 250 watt and it helps tremendously..thats if you have the room to add them... i'm in a 3x3x6 space so i can get away with it..i have 45,000 lumens in that space and i get good results 5,000 lumens per sq ft..28,000 from the hps and 6...
  8. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yo bro .. you make sure you give your old lady a big kiss or take her out to a nice dinner..thats a great gift and a kind thought..even though it wasn't exactly what you wanted..i would be floored if my wife bought me anything for growing(she doesn't smoke)..but anyway kudos to the old...
  9. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Yummy....what time should i come over:hump:
  10. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Those are lokkin real nice bro...
  11. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Sometimes you luck out with some bagseed.. i had a few plants from bagseed when i was first learning to grow(still learning lol) that actually ended up being real-nice...the high was fantastic and tasted real good too...hey.. you never know what your goona get!!!
  12. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks alot bro... seen some of your grows on this thread...your the man!!
  13. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey Everyone Heres My Blue Cheese Grow..3 plants Using 1 250 watt hps with 6 42 watt cfl for a total of 44,500 lumens...Using Pro-mix Soil with some perlite and B.C. nutes Boost, Bloom,grow..2 are lst'd and one is growing normally..the hps is a convertible MH/Hps...Temps are At 78-80..and...
  14. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Yes My Friend The Pot of Gold Of Flying Dutchmen seeds...a very nice yielding plant..I think it was a cannibas cup finalist in like 2003 or something..the smell of blueberry skunk is out of this world!!...i keep going in the room just to get a wiff!!! happy growing...;-)
  15. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Man i'm 30 days into flowering Blue Cheese and its starting to stink!! its got that blueberry skunk smell with a dank smell of.... i guess cheese is the best way to describe it!!!... lol !!! i guess thats why they call it cheese.... it such a intoxicating these are gonna be...
  16. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Lookin Real Nice My man....
  17. Riggzy

    | rain water | snow water |

    I know this post is a couple of months old,but to throw my 2 sense in.. I live in New England and I collect rain water for my girls and I get good results with seems as soon as i start giving it rain water they seem to take off... When I water with nutes I use Tap Water that has sat out...
  18. Riggzy

    101 Already Asked Questions

    Hey I got some skunk#1 seeds from sensi seeds and i'ts been 5 days since i started the Germ. process and nothing yet(15 seeds)..i'm using the moist paper towel method in a dark place with temps around 78-80 degrees...i heard or read actually that it could take up to 12 days to germinate...
  19. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    The only reason why i'm not using a 400 watt hps instead is because of heat issues...With the 250 and the cfl's on the side i'm able to keep my temps at around 78-80..i had a 400hps in there and i was fighting to keep the temps at 85-87... i can't vent the way i want because its a rental...
  20. Riggzy

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I'm doing six but in the beginning i had three.. after 30 days i addedd three more that way i harvest 3 plants every 30 days or so "depends on strain"...I'm doing blue cheese i harvest between 2-2.5oz every 30 days (getting better each time i think i could do 3-4 with some more experience)...