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  1. T

    smoking mould!!!!!

    Yeah, don't smoke moldy weed man you'll end up looking like that old black dude on that anti-cigarette commercial.
  2. T

    upsetting mutation... breakthrough in cultivation

    Yeah D00D glow in the dark MJ that won't ever flower because of the light it gives off from GLOWING!
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    upsetting mutation... breakthrough in cultivation

    What a DOUCHE! Look at his other posts and see what I mean. Says he grows more in 2 months than anything this planet has seen? Yet 3 months prior to that hes asking what to do for a droopy plant he found and talking about how schizo he is, asking what kind of soil to use and how to make his...
  4. T

    Closet grow - what seeds for most buds?

    I was reading about a method where you cut the bud site off to about 10 percent and then about 4-7 more bud sites will grow out of it. Dont know if that helps, but if it works then it wouldn't really matter what kind you grow for yeild purposes.
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    how long till buds start forming when i started flowering today?

    I agree as it has been the exact same for me. I must have one indica as one of the plants is just now starting to show some buds instead of just a few spriggly hairs now. I was starting to get nervous since all the others already had some buds. Out of 11 mixed seeds I had 4 females. Of...
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    How long to veg?

    From one newbie to another, from what I read its one (or more) of these: 1. At least 10-12 inches...BTW: I started flowering mine at 10inches and now they are about 17 (going into 3rd week). 2. When the leaves stop growing out symmetrically. Like one leaf stem grows out above another...
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    12/12 Flowering Journal

    I just read through your thread and went from jealous to glad! Aside from whatever is going on with your plants, what is the point of the screen? Ive read about the Scrog method, but from the pics you have up and the stuff I read, it looks like two different things. Maybe its because the...
  8. T

    Salvia information

    Ive done Salvia a few times. It might be because I had a beer buzz going, but it wasn't really that bad. Ive done 10, 20 and 40X. The first time I zoned out and had this hallucination I was getting on a ride at a local amusement park. After seeing all the stupid asses on youtube I was...