Search results

  1. T

    Origin Organics Don't waste your time. Their communication is non existent. Western Union was not an option for me so I opted to do bank transfer. The bank info. was missing on the order form so I asked for details. It took 2 emails from me to get one from them stating they...
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    Haight Solid State LED Grow Lights

    The plants in those pics are no where near 5 oz's unless you mean "wet" weight. The plants also look very stretched and spindly. If this is the best someone can do with $750.00 led's then no thanks. LED's are a great concept and Im sure at some point in time the cost will come down and the...
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    8) -Tick-tock tick-tock I look down at my watch, I traded up my 84 caddy for a silenced 9 milli glock. Word to the wicked, I got yo ticket, and now its time to settle up like my stable cuz Im pimpin. Now its up to the second flo takin the stairs knowin that this motherfuckuh gonna be...
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    making real money online. anyone done this?

    You're actually a webcam from your home and get paid per minute getting people to go into private "chats" with you. How do I know this? Its one of my affiliates from my own TGP....which BTW isn't paying SHIT right now thanks for the economical disadvantage and damn freeloading...
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    New person, need help, dealer trouble

    Spoken like a true wannabe thats had everything handed to him, but still wants to act hardcore hungry. So tell me so smart and street wise, everytime you go out and buy those fly ass sneakers or that cool gold chain, or some other stupid shit to look like your bad assed YOURE GETTING FUCKED...
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    Almost there

    Nice grow BTW! Although I thought it was the plants genetics that had the most to do with the buds density. The reason I think that is that Ive seen people grow diff. strains and even multiple plants of the same strain in the same exact setup, same light, same everything, and one plant will be...
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    Ladies you think im hot when high? rate me 1-10

    Hey Kumar! How's the new White House gig going for you?
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    infrared police helicopters

    Thank you for some actual facts instead of just "I thinks"! That would be awesome if someone set up their lights to make it look like they were flipping off the helicopter as its heat signature. Tell the commercial grower you know to do that and then tell us about it.
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    your a cop?

    I bet Michael Phelps says the same thing every night before he goes to bed. Not because of that pic he was in smoking weed even though it didn't show weed or any of that but because he watches alot of Matlock and wants to be a judge instead of an Olympic swimmer....his parents are really...
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    your a cop?

    The same reason I look at asian midget porn.... Id never actually date or have relations with an asian midget, due to current healthcare restrictions, but by golly I want to see one and thanks to the internet its made readily available to me. Same reason someone will go ride a roller coaster...
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    your a cop?

    Ok then Debbie downer, I guess its illegal to get on a public hotspot too and if the page is blocked then use a common and free webpage translation service to bypass it? Or go to a library, where internet is free with valid library card because if so, then those scoundrels I overheard talking...
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    Where would you go if you had a time machine?

    Well damn the luck....oh well Ill just pull some dog whisperer shit on the buffalos and together we will form the alliance of hotwings. By the time them there fellers show up we be waiting....and ready to serve them cold beer, great food, and hella fun! All for a price and profit of course...
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    purple weed

    If its the correct phenotype and actually, truely the plant known as purple haze then yes it will turn purple with/without cold. Its all in the genes man, just read Mendel's laws of genetics. DD x dd =Dd Otherwise, fake it and dip the cut/harvested plant into some purple food coloring. Itll...
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    Where would you go if you had a time machine?

    Id go back to 1491 and prep the native americans on what the future brings for them if they let Columbus "discover" them. Then when he shows up the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria wouldn't know what hit em. Next, using Columbus' boats and the native americans superior tracking and ambush...
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    Anyone used Short day cycles 6/12 ??

    This seems too good to be true and that's only from reading how a plant makes bud. When the lights are off a chemical buildup in the plant occurs that tells the plant to make buds. When you turn the lights on this chemical is pretty much cut off and it starts its light cycle. So, when you...
  16. T

    Best Hydroponic Nutes?

    I can't say they are the BEST but I can vouch they work really good. The holland secret Bang, Bing, Bloom came free due to an order fuckup and I've had great results for my first aero grow. No root rot, no algae, and very little ph fluctuations. The feeding schedule online shows all this...
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    your a cop?

    Plus, if your that paranoid then you can drive around with a laptop, psp, or any wireless internet access device till you find an unsecure connection and use something to hide your ip or spoof it to look like its from somewhere else and/or bouce it through many, many, many I've...
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    Anyone used these Super-Growth Stimulators?

    I stumbled on this site while looking for plant steroids and was wondering if anyone had used these chemicals, mainly either brassinolide or triacontanol. I did some searching on here and have found only one reference to triacontanol which is in alfalfa...
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    loan for growing weed?

    Hells yeah! Just imagine the stock options...that's one shareholders meeting Id like to attend. Who would make a better front man...Billy Mays or the Sham wow guy, I mean since its fantasy and all pretend Billy Mays is still alive and the Sham wow guy never beat up a hooker. Skill for skill...
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    smoking mould!!!!!

    Buy an eyeclops and post pics of it....all magnifyed and shit so we can see the mold all buggin out.