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  1. S

    Drying inside stealth cab?

    this seems like a cool idea, I like the inlet route as it should cause the air to stir up in the flowering chamber, however I'd put the clone chamber inlet at the bottom to cause a air circulation in there too. Put a humidity meter in the grow room first, as if your humidity is high it might...
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    PC Growers Has anyone tryed this yet?

    Great idea look forward to seeing it done, 2 downsides I can see are: Hard to change carbon once it wears. And There are hell of a lot of electrics in there that make to voltage manageable by a PC fan, however if you were to use a laptop charger to run the fans you wouldn't need the...
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    grow room help

    You will end up with a slight smell in flowering even with a filter, might be better pumping into your house through the floor, if possible, and using the basement inlet to allow fresh air into the room, put a small fan on the inlet, that way if your main extractor fan goes wrong or burns out...
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    ona gel idea

    I've heard about the adding of water but happy to hear that another person suggests it too, from what I've read on it the better the circulation around it the more effective it is that's why I thought of flowing the outlet over it, another thought I had was piping the outlet into a tub of ONA...
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    New to Ebb & Flow system

    From my understanding with hydro its all about what not how, if you satisfy what you give the plant (nutes, oxygen, co2 etc), it won't mind how you go about it whether nft, dwc or ebb and flow. I think mostly a choice is made for ease or space available in that case I'd say ebb and flow is...
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    Any cool ideas on ways to mount ballast.

    Whatever you decide on my advice would be attach a length of stainless steel chain (around £5) to it and screw that somewhere that way if the shelf/mount fails it will hang from the chain giving you a chance to reattach before it falls on the floor or worse into water. Stocky
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    ona gel idea

    My current grow idea is a small cabinet with an nft hydro setup. Odour is something I want to minimise due to others in the house who don't like the smell, so far I've got a carbon filter and blower fan etc with a sealed door however I'm worried it still might smell. I've got on a gel ready to...
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    Organic - a word that annoys me in growing

    any other input from people?
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    Organic - a word that annoys me in growing

    good point, I'm referring more to people who say soil is better because its not chemical and its organic, more than people using organic nutes, but I do agree. I sort of agree on some aspects, for example the fact that nutrient is less controllable in soil (i think that was a point he tried to...
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    Organic - a word that annoys me in growing

    Reading through a few old posts i came across someone stating: "if you want chemical tasting bud, grow hydro, if you want some of the best 100%organic bud do soil" I hear this alot and thought I'd put my 2p in, feel free to comment, as this isn't a dig its just my views. Plants use N-P-K these...
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    super small nft any thoughts?

    Thanks for your input, I've decided to use a 10l reservoir insead of a 5l. As for water uptake I can get to it often enough to top up daily and plan on getting a ph meter so I can keep that consistent, is a nutrient meter a necessity or, seeing that my plant will likely drink all it's water at...
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    super small nft any thoughts?

    Thanks for the replies, my grow room is only 3' x 2' x 2' so my plant doesn't get very big often only vegging to around 12".
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    super small nft any thoughts?

    Hi up until today I've never been that interested in hydro/aero, due to size and being to lazy to buy nute's etc. However I think I've come up with a small system that should work and that I'm willing to give a go. Firstly the reservoir: a 5 liter black jerry-can/gas can with the handle/lid...
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    grow cabnet/closet size

    bump Stocky
  15. S

    Does anyone use the Freaken Wick System anymore

    I used to use a wick to grow calea z. and salvia, worked fine for a good 6-9 months however it was windowsill grown and as the cold rolled in it rotted around the stem, sadly. However I do plan on using it again for mary-j to see how it works and with the controlled temperature and humidity I...
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    grow cabnet/closet size

    Hi I'm new to this forum and am hoping you guys can help clear something up for me. I have seen many different grow setups, both on and offline and have noticed that for personal use people seem to like using smaller spaces (pc cases etc), I'm convinced it must have a very big effect on the...