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  1. Jester22

    How much wattage for 10 plants?

    im a total newbi but i think SoG is the way u wanna go if u want to do 10 plants under 1 400 watter i started 10 bag seeds under my 400 watter no problem till after veggie a month mines were bushy could only flower 5 at a time i use a 4x4x6 tent and after a week in flowering they double is...
  2. Jester22

    How much wattage for 10 plants?

    if u search SoG here on RiU im sure u'll get to see some pictures
  3. Jester22

    How much wattage for 10 plants?

    SoG = sea of green means alot of short plants about the same height and less bush
  4. Jester22

    lol forgot to tell u i posted them in ur thread u just made

    lol forgot to tell u i posted them in ur thread u just made
  5. Jester22

    yo Mg soil isnt all that bad i posted some pictures of mine frist grow useing Mg soil & fox farm...

    yo Mg soil isnt all that bad i posted some pictures of mine frist grow useing Mg soil & fox farm nutes
  6. Jester22

    my plants died overnight

    MG is ok to use im on my frist grow & i never grown anything in my life. I use MG potting soil with fox farm nutes and my plants r doing fine. MG doesnt have maganese,boron,etc in its ingerdients.ive added these ingredients by useing Fox farm nutes so far so good. heres mine Mg frist grow ever...
  7. Jester22

    How much wattage for 10 plants?

    hmm im useing a 400 hps/mh and i can fit about 4 to 6 plants under it but its mostly cuase the reflector then agin with 10 plants ur gonna have to rasie the light high enough to reach all 10 and by doing that u lose penetration.
  8. Jester22

    How long until my seeds sprout a plant/leaf?

    yo do u live in the usa? where did u buy ur seeds from?
  9. Jester22

    How long until my seeds sprout a plant/leaf?

    give it another 5 dayz and keep the top soil moist with a spray bottle or something i also place a heating pad under mines in a humidome
  10. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    blow my mind how quick this plant recoved 1 sec all its leafs r touching the ground/soil then 20-30 min later all the leafs r reaching for the sky
  11. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    ya but only u and lazy reply in my thread every 1 eles just looks and move on. would be nice to get other replys not that u and lazy help me enough wanna thank u and lazy for all the help/input u two have gave me think im gonna wait 1 more day to take clones give them a chance to get use to...
  12. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    lol MJ plants r crazy lol. so the plant i was talking about the 1 that was droopy the only thing that was standin up was the stem no joke i transplanted it in a bigger pot like 20-30 mins ago and feed GB&BB fox farm nutes and toss it in the flowering room was gonna trash it 30min later all its...
  13. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    i have 1 other problem might be best to show u rather then try to explan it. ill try both ill have picture later tho. i had 3 other plants that i veggi longer but r the same age as my bigger ones. today i look in the veggi box and saw 1 of the 3 plants was droopy i mean every leaf was reaching...
  14. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    i only want like 2 clones from each female only have 2-3 females still got a unknown sex plant in my tent
  15. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    yes! thank u for replying bro. my biggest female is stressing but not to bad it's bottom leafs r yellowing and some of the other leafs r droopy
  16. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    sup yall no replys to my Q............. any ways i just cut down all my males and tranplanted my females in 3 gallon bags. 2 of my females look like they had root bound i cut some of the roots at the bottom so the roots can spread out in the new 3 gallon bag. on my females their bottom leafs r...
  17. Jester22

    14days into flowering in BURMA

    buds take 3-4 weeks to show so another 2 weeks u should see some bud porn
  18. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    is it ok to take cutting from the females 8 days in flowering for clones? & i plan on cloneing with water&superthive so how long do u have to feed the clones?
  19. Jester22

    day 8 of flower lookin ok??

    looking good im 7-8 days in also what light r u useing?
  20. Jester22

    Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter

    Sup guys & gurls after about 8-9 days of flowering my 7 tallest plants 6 of them have showed their sex i have 4 males and 2 females and the other 1 i think is a female.I also have 3 other plants that r the same age as the rest just let them veggie longer plan on moveing them into the flower room...