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  1. nicougrik

    First grow

    Been around 10 days since I put her in a Hempy. looking much better, growing steadily.
  2. nicougrik

    Is flushing based on any science?

    So annoying, this whole thread and no answers.. sigh
  3. nicougrik

    Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure

    yeah its in flowering stage, and is probably polinated. nobigdeal though
  4. nicougrik

    Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure

    probly polinated then, youll still get buds, but also a bunch of seeds.. at least you wont have to buy any more seeds
  5. nicougrik

    Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure

    Is This an autoflower ? If not, it doesnt matter how old it it, its the ammount of light per day it receives that determines if its flowering. If it is, then i honestly have 0 experience with autos.
  6. nicougrik

    please help! I'm a noob

    Plant is looking good. I also agree, the conventional way of knowing when to harvest is to buy a magnifying glass and take a look at your trichomes. they will turn form clear to cloudy to red. you want to aim for the most amount of cloudy trichomes. buy one and post some pics. good luck Also...
  7. nicougrik

    Please help i am worried i have pollinated my female plant not sure

    Are you flowering ? (12/12 light) ? You need MUCH more light. If you are not flowering, then the female plant will not be pollinated, take into account that pollen around the plant can be fertile for up to 2 weeks.
  8. nicougrik

    When to switch lighting

    it all depends on how big you want it to grow. do you have the space ? Plants will usually double in size from veg to harvest day. post a pic of your plant.
  9. nicougrik

    New Loft Grow Room - Input Appreciated

    Nice ! I've also just put my girl in a small hempy and it is much much better. Very little maintenance, its been 5 days since ive watered now and dont expect ill have to any time soon. just 2 minutes per day of taking a look at the growth and adjusting lights if needed. Cant wait to see those...
  10. nicougrik

    Converting PPM to EC ?

    Oh wow didnt notice is was as simple as dividing by 500. You are a godsend my main man <3
  11. nicougrik

    First grow

    4 Days Ago i decided it was time for major change. I removed her from that shitty soil as gently as i could. Put her in a bigger pot, Got the best soil i could find, tomatoe stuff, blood and bone etc etc. the shit feels like quality. Make a hempy bucket with perlite only for the 2 bottom...
  12. nicougrik

    Converting PPM to EC ?

    Yeah, wheni bought it I was interested in EC, not PPM.. now I have to use the damn conversion chart all the time :/
  13. nicougrik

    Converting PPM to EC ?

    Its okay, youre worth it babe
  14. nicougrik

    Converting PPM to EC ?

    thank you, i love you <3
  15. nicougrik

    Converting PPM to EC ?

    Hey guys I just got my TDS (total disolved solids) meter and gives me readings in PPM, and I'm looking to convert it into EC (electrical conductivity). But when I google the conversions I get 3 different ppm conversions: Hanna, Eutech, and Truncheon. I dont know which one my device is. I put...
  16. nicougrik

    Higher RH% During Night

    i stand corrected
  17. nicougrik

    Can you tell which strain you are smoking ?

    I like that there is so much variety in strains, but if I gave you a blind test. would you be able to tell me what strain you are smoking if someone gave you a joint of a specific strain ? sounds like a good youtube video to do lol.
  18. nicougrik

    Can you tell which strain you are smoking ?

    I like that there is so much variety in strains, but if I gave you a blind test. would you be able to tell me what strain you are smoking if someone gave you a joint of a specific strain ? sounds like a good youtube video to do lol.
  19. nicougrik

    Higher RH% During Night

    Your day humidity is a bit too low and night is a bit too high. You can decrease humidity by increasing the ventilation and vis versa. try that PS: are you flowering or vegging ? how far along ?
  20. nicougrik

    When do I give nutrients

    De nada mi amor <3