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  1. Y

    First grow. Very stunted, should i bother topping?

    Thanks guys. I'm def gonna do more research being that I don't have to fertilize for a few weeks. Maybe I will go the organic route because I have more time to research now.
  2. Y

    Double post - ignore. Sorry

    I thought my first one didn't go through so I made this one
  3. Y

    Double post - ignore. Sorry

    Sorry I double posted. Idk how to delete threads
  4. Y

    First grow. Very stunted, should i bother topping?

    I was gonna use the FF nutes. They have them at my local gardening center.
  5. Y

    First grow. Very stunted, should i bother topping?

    Didn't think so. appreciate it. :) gotta learn and start somewhere
  6. Y

    First grow. Very stunted, should i bother topping?

    Hey guys. So my dumb ass thought "oh its a weed it'll just grow" I couldn't be more wrong lmao. I started my seeds in a cold shed in april... didn't think anything of it. Brought them inside like almost a month later, with a light and they started growing somewhat normal, and now that the...
  7. Y

    Double post - ignore. Sorry

    Hey guys. First grow here. Been doing a lot of research and it keeps bringing me back to his site so thought I'd join. I'd like to show you my plants now. Everywhere I see says to start fimming or topping after the 5th node is appeared, but my plants are pretty small. Just wondering if it's the...