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  1. G


    wots good everyone, I just finished setting up my grow closet, its got 5 Cfls 4 20 watt and 1 85 watt. i got my seeds thru the post yesterday, i used the tissue paper method for germination on a plate inside a plastic bag ect, my question was does it make a difference if it is a paper towel or...
  2. G

    Couldn't Pay For Elite membership

    lol flat screen laptop, never seen one of those:mrgreen::mrgreen:
  3. G

    When to switch to 12/12? *PICS*

    How can you tell what his light setup is like when he has only take pictures of his plants?.
  4. G

    Need Soil Advice To make Plants Grow Nice!?!

    sum1 help me pls cos i wnt to order by 2nite
  5. G

    Need Soil Advice To make Plants Grow Nice!?!

    anyone got any good soil combos for cfl grows?
  6. G

    Need Soil Advice To make Plants Grow Nice!?!

    Cos i dont realy wanna use nutes, maybe at flowering but ive read alot of grow journals here and they said MG worked great for them and they didnt use too many nutes. and i hav'nt found any ther soil that releases nutes so that wud be why.
  7. G

    Need Soil Advice To make Plants Grow Nice!?!

    BUMP someone giv me your knowlege!!!
  8. G

    Need Soil Advice To make Plants Grow Nice!?!

    sup peeps, im starting my first grow next week and i need some advice on soil. I definatly wanna use some of that MG stuff but ive been googling it and there are alot of varietys out there. Im probably going to order this stuff Miracle Grow All Purpose Compost | CPL Creative Garden IdeasI...
  9. G

    Soil Advice to make my plants Nice!?!

    som1 help please
  10. G

    First real grow

    im a complete noob myself but ive been surfing and reading up on growing weed for about a month now. i understand that MH lights are god for the veggy stage and then for flowering i would use both. Hope this helps 1luv
  11. G

    Soil Advice to make my plants Nice!?!

    sup peeps, im starting my first grow next week and i need some advice on soil. I definatly wanna use some of that MG stuff but ive been googling it and there are alot of varietys out there. Im probably going to order this stuff Miracle Grow All Purpose Compost | CPL Creative Garden Ideas I...
  12. G

    An Easy and Cheap DYI CFL Setup!

    I wish i could find anywhere that sells Y adapters in the uk, or straight from plug to socket bulb holders. i have found some excellent clip lamps for £2.75 but im probably gonna have to buy twice as many as i planned to cos no Y adapters anywhere >.<
  13. G

    Operation: Dr. Rockso

    just caught up with this thread, its a shame to here about the grow room, paranoya get the better of you? :P i think u shud keep growin atleast one or two plants so u can get a nice bit of bud every couple of months, thats what im doing at the moment. keep us updated if anything happens :)
  14. G

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    when i said electrical i also ment hardware, garden stores ect. Thanks for the help any way man.
  15. G

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    dam. i searched all the electrical shops around my area and none of them had them (the big branch stores and the small one branch stores):( im not sure why there not avaliable in the uk but this means im gonna have to buy twice as many light fixtures as i wanted to for my cfl setup. If ANYONE...
  16. G

    Show Off Your Buds (Pics) (Cfls only)

    ................... WORD!
  17. G

    First Grow (Questions and pics)

    lol, that is a bummer
  18. G

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    lol oook... ill be looking round tomorrow
  19. G

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    ok thanks for the help mate, im living in the UK though so its realy not worth shipping them here. anyone else living in the uk know where to get these from?
  20. G

    where to get Y adaptors..?

    Ive searched and searched the internet for Y adaptors for lights and i cant find one place that sells them. can anyone link me to a site that does? i noticed alot of you here are from the states or canada. is there anyone here who is from the uk and can tell me which stores i can buy them...