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  1. crotalus

    Nirvana Delivery Rate

    ive had them ship to the northeastern US a few times. always using a cc. the time varies. six days to three weeks is how long it has taken for me. but the package has always arrived undamaged without being fucked with by the federal seed thieves.
  2. crotalus

    Jock Horror review!

    i have jock from nirvana but havnt flowered yet. theyve all stayed pretty short for a longer time than other strains. i only have one pheno, but the leaves one the same plant can be thin-fingered or a little more broad. the seeds looked kinda shitty, just like the widow i got from nirvana...
  3. crotalus

    Best Seed Companies?

    seedboutique has worked great for me. i think seedbay is run by gypsy nirvana too so i would guess that is also a good sight to order from.
  4. crotalus

    2 more strains for the pile...

    hahaha. that does look like jimmy johnson
  5. crotalus

    Who to order from

    I havnt ordered from either company. I've only gone through seed boutique. I've recieved my order every time though. The stealth packaging is great and the seeds don't get crushed. The time it takes varies. The fastest six days to the US. The longest was about three weeks. I've ordered 5...
  6. crotalus

    can you recommened me a strain?

    A lot of people like white rhino for pain. Im growing rhino, widow, and big bud all for the first time now, along with jock horror. Big bud seems like it likes more nutes than the white strains cause they started to get burned a little on the leaf tips and the bb didnt (they were all getting...
  7. crotalus

    Big Bud

    I am growing big bud for the first time right now. The seeds were from homegrown fantaseeds. Only seven out of ten germed in paper towels, but the ones that did are doing pretty good. I put them on 12/12 when they were only about a month old. They were all around 14-20 inches. They have...
  8. crotalus

    my cannabis plant leaves are all yellow HELP

    Are you feeding with every watering of the bigger plant? If not, I would say feed it more often. I have a feeling its too little nitrogen as opposed to too much. I guess it could still be lockout though. You want to use a plant food with more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium when plants...
  9. crotalus


    If they are stretched so bad they dont want to stand you could try putting a little extra soil mix around the base of the stem so they end up having to support a little less of their weight. I did that with a couple seedlings before. The most important thing is just to make sure they get...
  10. crotalus

    soil ph

    I like to keep soil at about 6.5 or so, but if you have a soiless mix and you are using hydro nutrients its ok to go lower, like 5.5 or 6.0. The soiless mix i am using now gives directions. The bag says to keep it between 5.5 and 6.5. Try not to let it get too acidic cause you end up with...
  11. crotalus


    I have just noticed some kind of mold growing on my medium. i dont see it on the plants themselves, only on the top of the medium, and its only happening in one of my grow rooms, the cooler of the two. its a greyish color. so far it doesnt seem to be hurting anything, but i want to get rid of it...
  12. crotalus

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    gp, you crack me the fuck up. i wanna say that i cant believe you are calling dro a strain, but i guess i would expect it. do your research this time if you want any bud, or dont do any research and keep providing laughs for everybody. I hope things work out for you. By the way, your thread is...
  13. crotalus

    Nutrient Mixture Questions!

    go to Hydroponics | Advanced Nutrients | Hydroponic Gardening. hit the link for the nutrient calculator at the top of the page. it will give you nutrient plans for your base nutrients and the stuff your using, but depending on the strain their plan might not be the best. its a pretty good...