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  1. B

    help plant problems again

    just want to see if anyone knows whats up with it still got yellow tips on new leafs and yellow spots on new leafs am i under feeding it or over feeding it 1st feed was 1ml 5 liters people said here feed it more so i put 5ml 5 litres in its 2nd water with feed its in rockwool temps and...
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    thanks for your 2 cents i just ordered a dwc setup my problem is getting to ph perfect to get the correct ph range added the nute to water and not buffering the ph down
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    Hi thanks for your reply on an demo of the ph perfect from an they add it to water and the ph of the water changes! not doing it on mine think it should adjust the water soon as add it i think plant about 19days old i gave it 1ml a litre
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    Highest Yielding Auto Flower

    i think this a new strain and been reports of 3lb yeilds from it can grow 7ft tall KC Brains KC45 Autoflowering
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    Help me agggggh

    hey thanks for your input can grow in soil fine just new to hyro and want to find the easyst way to do so and know about when to water in hyro just the nute part have to learn. want to do a full grow in rockwool s learnt from here you have to supply everything to the plant unlike soil so...
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    Help me agggggh

    is that the 4 pot wilma and 18 litre pot would be perfect was gonna get a dwc pot and try that as well as the wilma pot
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect that sort of thing ok? and test 3 ways pen,test kit,strips all say the same ph even used natrual spring water and the same
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    how would i filter the water if over 200ppm and my ec meter broke am waiting for my new one to come. just put 16ml in now ph of 6.7 lol
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    Help me agggggh

    thanks buds i have fed it like people said its going greener but still yellowish so will add more nutes and now know feed it every time.
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    Hi from UK.. Q about advanced nutes!

    this the 1 i got so think it the new one i added 5ml to 5 litres pure water with ph of 7.85 and gone down to a ph of 7.2 dont know why ph is not going down and was from seed here pic of it
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    Thanks for your reply that helps a lot when I add the nutes to the water should it change the ph before I add it to the rockwool? i just mixed up 5ml to a gallon and ph was 7.85 gone down to 7.2? so next feed will give it. 5ml to the gallon and go up half each feed i did soak the rockwool...
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    Help me agggggh

    il be happy to get a gram off any plants lol you from uk could you find your pots on ebay and send me a link of them please want to try all different setups. i got them air pots what size of pot does the wilma take?
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    thanks dude still haing problems with the ph perfect wont go to the correct ph range
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    sweet so just water them by hand and not ph the plain water?
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    Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect

    hi folks got a ph question with this stuff,i put 4ml of this now in 4 litres it still hasnt changed the ph of the water am using bottled water now at ph of 7.7 anyone got any ideas?
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    Hi from UK.. Q about advanced nutes!

    added 1ml more and ph went up checked with ph and test kit and gone up by .1 to 7.3
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    Hi from UK.. Q about advanced nutes!

    really you think my plant could handle it? guess could add 1ml more more to the mix i made and see if it changes the ph what should it change to?
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    hey dude am using tap water with ph of 7.2 whats the ph of the ro water u use?
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    Hi from UK.. Q about advanced nutes!

    my water is 7.2 my plants are young and feed them with 1 and half ml for 5 litres just took ph and been sitting for a day and still same ph
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    people who use advance nutrients ph perfect

    thanks for your reply them 2 waters before feed am using ph perfect so do i adjust the ph of the plain water or will that mess up the ph perfect when i add it and am growing an autoflowering strain