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  1. S

    Blowing pot smoke on my plants: good or bad?

    tanks bradda! i told steve hew was bein a dumbshit! RAVEN;} (Steves chick) P.S. Who's a dumbshit, babe? Or should I say hew?;)
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    Blowing pot smoke on my plants: good or bad?

    What would be the effects, if any, of blowing pot smoke into my closet area? Smoke has co2 and carbon dioxide, so wouldn't the smoke be beneficial? Or would it harm them in some way? I need some opinions on this, please, cause I'd like to know wheteher it's smart to smoke with my plants. Steve
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    12/12 Lowdown, please, for my first indoor/outdoor grow

    Thanks, man. I just might do that after another week of 18/6. Steve
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    New grower here! A little advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Help A Newbie Out!! I Need To Grow That Doobage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dooooooooooooooobage!!!!!!!!!
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    New grower here! A little advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Hey everyone, I'm growing four plants under 2 120v shoplights and a cool white coiled flourescent bulb in a fixture. I was wondering about a number of things. According to a few people, urine is a natural fertilizer, so I have been mixing that 1/10 with water and a few tablespoons of spirulina...
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    Advice on natural fertilizers

    Hey everyone, I'm growing four plants under 2 120v shoplights and a cool white coiled flourescent bulb in a fixture. I was wondering about a number of things. According to a few people, urine is a natural fertilizer, so I have been mixing that 1/10 with water and a few tablespoons of spirulina...
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    12/12 Lowdown, please, for my first indoor/outdoor grow

    Hi everybody, I've been growing four feminized Nevil's Haze plants under a couple of 120 v shoplights and a coiled flouescent bulb in another light fixture at night, and the sun from a window during the day. There are 2 pots with 3 plants each, one with two and one alone, and the biggest of...