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  1. C

    organic ss grow thanks to subcool

    So I finally received the seeds I ordered about two weeks ago. I really don't know what took so long especially since I ordered the express shipping which was three times as much. I am just happy to have received them though. I did however make a few modifications to my room, instead of five...
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    aeroponics water jets suck

    The only reasons why they get clogged up is because of chemicals. There is nothing you can do about build up aside for clean it in my opinion
  3. C

    3000w Aeroflo2 60 site GDP AEROPONICS

    If he is builing something he just needs to cut the holes higher up on the caps of the fence posts if he is using the 4 by 4 pvc. When I was running a system like this I had it at a slight slope with a drain at one end so that there would be no residual water. I am liking your grow still though...
  4. C

    Hemp Depot, wtf...

    Is it still illegal if you have a medical card though? It took almost two weeks from when I ordered. And the post office said it would only take a couple days. I am disappointed with the rush delivery which I paid extra for. I know I need to learn patience. I just get sketched out when things...
  5. C

    3600w growroom w/ OG kush [1st time] -cycle grow 2 rooms (PIX)

    im sorry to hear about that. good looking grow though. I am curious to know the dry weight now though! and more in depth pictures when you do a new rewire would be greatly appreciated!
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    Current Culture???

    How much did they cost for the eight and then for the 16 as well? what type of growth rates with what strains? I hear they are somewhat expensive so I want to make sure it is worthwhile.
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    2 foot/ 6 tube/ t5 fixture?

    well ill keep you up to date. I am using an led to veg now. They are doing good so far.
  8. C

    2 foot/ 6 tube/ t5 fixture?

    if you are just vegging a four bulb should be alright. have you thought about led?
  9. C

    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    that is a pretty short veg time. you get clones then I am assuming? lolipopping is to cut off all other branches aside for the main stem? do you use those as clones for your next round?
  10. C

    Plant Tissue Culturing

    I have been looking into this lately and am curious to know if any of you have had any experience with plant tissue culture. It might take a little longer then conventional cloning, from this site I am looking at I guess my question for you guys is... Have any of you tried this...
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    New LEDs

    looking good im about to plug mine in and start giving it a go!
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    2000w Purple Kush 106 Plant Ebb and Flow SOG

    how long did you veg for before? how long do you plan on it for this bunch? what type of method do you use? lolipop, topping, fim?
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    Green Crack 2x1000w 4x8 tray Rockwool grow

    looking good. I have a similar space, but doing a top feed hydro set up. I need to get my fans set up like you. Your set up looks great. subscribed
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    1k hps, 900 watt led, 4 stage grow

    I think it is entertaining too. I am going to do one organic grow in soil. and then if it doesnt turn out great. I will switch back to hydro since I already have a set up and all...
  15. C

    Current Culture???

    What was the cost on the four site unit? I will do that thanks for the input! Anyone else have any experience?
  16. C

    Hemp Depot, wtf...

    So it is wednesday now which is day four of the three to five express shipping. If they done come tomorrow it will be pretty disappointing. From my experience so far, I think I will stick with getting clones from buddies. These are expensive and I feel like its a big risk and have not been to...
  17. C

    Current Culture???

    Has anyone used one of these systems before? I was talking to a guy and he said he used flora nova with it and would get three to four feet plants within a month. I find this somewhat hard to believe but would like to hear from anyone that has used this system.
  18. C

    Hemp Depot, wtf...

    I was scared to order them, but I guess that it has been alright, better then relying on people to get clones.
  19. C

    3000w Aeroflo2 60 site GDP AEROPONICS

    looking good. still, I am going to be watching. How come you didnt take the time to make a cloner? you could make one for 1/6 the cost easily. I guess there is peace of mind, but there is also the satisfaction of doing something yourself that works great!
  20. C

    Hemp Depot, wtf...

    i ordered them two weeks ago and finally got confirmation. If I don't get them by the end of the week, I am going to be agrivated because I paid for express shipping which was three- five business days. I am not even that far away from canada wtf.