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  1. alex420cali

    This time.... this time there WILL be buds...

    YES INDEED my white widow is the strongest plant and can take more nutrients and higher light. Its just a hardy strain its my favorite of all my 9 strains.
  2. alex420cali

    250 watt HPS grow

    definitely a fluffy 6 oz. dried. that was like 4 years ago. my new grow is a good $1000 dollars more expensive now. :)
  3. alex420cali

    250 watt HPS grow

    sweet 0 replies in 1 year!!!
  4. alex420cali

    Roots Organics OrganismXL?

    buy it now! your roots will explode.
  5. alex420cali

    my 250 watt hps grow

    Memories. -alex
  6. alex420cali

    600 Watt Grow Tent mh/hps

    I wanted to share my new project with you. WHAT I WILL USE: GreenHouse Seeds Feminized Colored $124 for 10 seeds+2 free: White Widow White Rhino AMS Haze #1 Haze #3 Church Strawberry Haze Lemon Skunk Great White Shark Hawaiian Snow With these seeds I'm almost guaranteed success! you...
  7. alex420cali

    White Widow 2 weeks in

    any update?
  8. alex420cali

    White Widow 2 weeks in

    f-en love it bro. just put my girls into 3 gal bags. your plant rox.
  9. alex420cali

    White Widow 2 weeks in

    hey boss this is my white widow at day 18...and its from seed. Super Foliage Spray is all the nutrients I used. Also I had co2 injected into the small grow box. :mrgreen: It has a small amount of nute burn which is ok cause it exploded with growth. :joint: It already has 10 tops coming out...
  10. alex420cali

    4 day bud dryer for $40.

    thats an awesome drier! isn't better to dry the plant whole though? I always do the plant in one piece. check out this video of my 12 oz harvest.
  11. alex420cali

    SoG Grow Room Discussion

    SOG is sea of green right? check out my monster plant video.
  12. alex420cali

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    I grew a massive monster! 300 watts HPS got 12 oz! Check it out for yourself.
  13. alex420cali

    my 250 watt hps grow

    who cares, i don't. I have a medical license and couldn't care less who I offend with my name.
  14. alex420cali

    incredibly cheap LED grow lights!

    HPS does not need a worthless (wait overpriced) L.E.D as supplement. L.E.D is a hustle with shit harvests. $1800 for 300 watt L.E.D? Give me a break.
  15. alex420cali

    27 oz!!!!

    I seen a special on this stuff. Its deadly, contains poisons, petroleum, cut with all kinds of crap. GURANTEED LUNG CANCER.
  16. alex420cali

    My girl let the damn contractor in the growroom!!

    Dude, I was having an argument with my girl today. My bro said dude calm down. I was like dude women are annoying. He's like yeah they are but you can't do anything about it. What the heck was your girl thinking! omgosh. Dude move and grow. Don't leave her for a plant though, just teach her a...
  17. alex420cali

    my NYCD experience...

    Exactly bro! Supercrop for max light and then Fishing line! Yup! check out my beast, youtube: supergrowplants
  18. alex420cali

    VHO, very high output from advanced nutrients

    maybe its time you tried them and see for yourself then. I have a GIANT beast plant from AN with 300 watt HPS. easily over 10 oz. want proof? check out supergrowplants on youtube.
  19. alex420cali

    my 250 watt hps grow

    strain: OGRE
  20. alex420cali

    male banana's

    I almost had a heart attack when I seen that on my huge almost done bomb nugs. It was already opened! So I googled and found this about Female Bananas (male flower) Turns out with a banana you can make 100% female seeds! check this out...