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  1. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    gonna go for it on friday hopefully that should be about right!!!!!!
  2. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    how tall are those plants lookin healthy n green btw and u say your in flower now??
  3. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    any other opinions would be great when do you all flower????
  4. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    i meant have u grown blue cheese before??? sorry
  5. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    so really could wait a week and i should be there or there abouts??have you grown before what lights u usin and what sorta yield ya expectin???
  6. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    thats wha i thought the preflower were lol cheers for the info and would you personally go t 90 cm its my first grow so i kinda ant a clue??
  7. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    what are the little hair lik things on the main stalk in the first pic? and half the grow space is 90 cm so would you go till then???
  8. impreza160207

    When would you flower and are they preflowers???

    Im growing 4 x blue cheese and 2 blueberry skunk there 12" tall and have 8-9 very close nodes i wqas just wondering when to flower them any help would be appreciated cheers ps are they preflowers on the first pic they were fem seeds but someone on here told me there not guaranteed to be female!!!
  9. impreza160207

    Flowering question.

    are they under 12/12???
  10. impreza160207

    Flowering question.

    you can force flower when you want and as far as im aware (but probably wrong)you only know what sex they are when they go into prefer if someone more experienced could either back me up or put me right!!
  11. impreza160207

    First Super Crop Journal: BlueBerry

    I did Blueberry from Dutch Passion once and got almost 2lbs from 6 plants under 1000watts. how tall were your plants when you flowered and was that wet or dry weight?? im growing dutch passion blues at the minute buts its only under a 600w hps cheers
  12. impreza160207

    Temp Fluctuation Questions....??

    my plants are hitting 90 and it did cause them to get heat stress which i thought was nute burn but my extractor fan is coming tomorrow so that should sort some of the problem out.what are you growwing in?
  13. impreza160207

    IS iT cLOneAbLE?

    i think youll prob regret it!!!:shock:
  14. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    hope everythin is ok!could i take cuttings from any of them or are they too young at the mo???
  15. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    cheers both of you +rep 4 yas
  16. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    no no a acn be bothered but ppl have told me if i can let it grow tall then let it grow tall they said that you should only top if you cant let it grow too tall whats your take on matters im all ears??? cheers for the input though am grateful:mrgreen:
  17. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    room humidity,im growing barneys blue cheese from seed(feminized)and topping????whats best way to do it and when would you do it?its not a prob if they grow tall
  18. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    thank you again it is good to know just can wait for the fan to come and ill call at the hardware store tomorrow surely it cant hurt to put the cfls in now not just for flowering???
  19. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    ive put a couple of bowls of water round the tent and pointed the fan at the light im waiting for my extractor fan should be here monday but that should sort things out shouldnt it plus rep for ya all cheers
  20. impreza160207

    has the flush worked????

    i have know idea about cfls but were can you get them because ive seen them on ebay and there like 250w and need reflectors and stuff but i thought when ive seen them on grow journals there just single bulbs that can be postioned close to the plant????