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  1. yamin

    male or female, clear pics, pls help

    looks hremi or male.... the pic's not that good but i can definitely see balls.... and balls = male sorry bro
  2. yamin

    First clones... 100% success.... Thanks RIU(pic)

    so out of 10 clones that i took 9 have survived.... flowering 2 outdoors ( 20 days into flowering ) 4 indoors and (2nd day of flowering) 3 r going to be mothers so veg
  3. yamin

    Rusting leaves... pics

    the mother (she's 15 days into flowering) has started showing discoloration although its clone (20 days into flowering) on the same diet is doing really well???? im sure its some nute problem but what??? the first 2 pics r the mother plant with the problem.... the last pic is its clone...
  4. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    ok..... so ive setup 4 separate grow areas indoor flowering setup.... 2 days into 12/12.... 250 w hps +6 cfl's (1st 3 pics) cloning area..... been really lucky with clones abt 95% success rate (4th pic) outdoor flowering.... abt 20 days.... can see flowers ( pic 5 to 9) indoor veg room...
  5. yamin

    cloning is very hard

    how often do u spray water on them.... i dont water the soil that often but i spray them atleast 5 times a day....
  6. yamin

    Any1 mix charas an cronic??

    hooked up a fan in the dark room.... serving both purposes circulation and venting.... killed and ate the male!!! 2 more have started flowering..... started flowering indoors as well.... gt 6 clones abt 8 inches in hight and 1 mum 3 month old..... under a 250w hps and 8- 24w cfl's in a 3*4*6...
  7. yamin

    New around here.

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  8. yamin

    Its been awhile

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  9. yamin

    15ft x 12ft x 10ft pics to come

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  10. yamin

    New to the game of growing

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  11. yamin

    hello friends

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  12. yamin

    hey everyone

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  13. yamin


    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  14. yamin

    Hello everyone!

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  15. yamin

    niagara region!

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  16. yamin

    New Pothead

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  17. yamin

    New to the Forum, from NJ, big time smoker, wanna try growing...

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  18. yamin

    Sir Smoke A Lot

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  19. yamin

    Avid smoker, n00b grower

    welcome and best of luck with ur grow
  20. yamin

    Whats your favorite dog breed?

    i have a German Shepard... 2nd 1 of the breed.... they r gr8.... also just gt a black lab pup..... her tail never stops wagging...:-P