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  1. G

    I'm not sure how to proceed...

    Chemistry does change, just like everything else, when you add variables. Science in a test tube is a lot different than science in a bag of dirt. Like I said before. I know that the lime a stabilizer for PH, but that doesn't change the fact that my ph skyrockets when I add too much. So I...
  2. G

    I'm not sure how to proceed...

    Thank you. This is exactly the type of response I was looking for.
  3. G

    I'm not sure how to proceed...

    Yea I read that some place before too. Then I decided to test it. Try stirring some pulverized lime in to some water, let it sit for 24 hours and then test the PH and let me know what ya get. I can save you some time and let you know that it will raise the PH way over 7 if you add enough lime...
  4. G

    I'm not sure how to proceed...

    Ok, so I made a huge goof. I'm growing in Promix BX. I won't go too in to detail about what I'm using because I know what my problem is, I just need advice on how to fix it. I managed to apply WAY too much lime to my plants. My PH range is now super fucking high and since its pulverized lime in...
  5. G

    Yellowing of top leaves in mid flower after smooth sailing entire grow?

    Light burn is not always accompanied by full on bleaching. Also, the plant protects the bud above all else. There is more moisture there so it would be one of the last parts to show symptoms of heat and light stress.