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  1. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    Third thumbnail shows pistils. It is hard to see from the blurry photo but its there.
  2. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    I plan on finishing them as minis.
  3. J

    1st Grow Bagseed.

    I have two plants here. They're about 4 weeks in vegetative stage. Both are showing preflower and look to be female. This I am excited about.
  4. J

    Pics of my first grow determining sex.

    I'm thinking the first two thumbnails are pistils. Am I correct? Is that THC on the leaf in the big one? Second to last thumbnail is an already confirmed female and the last one is the one I'm awaiting some confirmation on.
  5. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    The attached thumbnail is plant #1
  6. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    ok got more pics.. I'm new to sexing so I need someone to confirm my suspicion that this is a female and those are pistils. Thank you for any advice/tips.
  7. J

    how janky can the weed man get????

    honestly everyone thinks this is strange but I like to smoke by myself. Its like I can only enjoy it with like one other person and even then I prefer alone. I just like to zone out with my own music and no distraction.
  8. J

    how janky can the weed man get????

    I always use to take what I got but buying weed just feels dangerous now. People have guns and most of the time you can't say nothing if you get shorted. Like buying an oz of weed sounds so dangerous now.
  9. J

    how janky can the weed man get????

    yea buying weed sucks even if ur selling if ur not the grower ur not the dope man u gettin taxed fuck the dope game I just wanna get hi
  10. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    Yea I see pistils on my other plant. I'm going to let them grow as much as possible before switching the lighting cycle. If I got a half dry weight I would be stoked.
  11. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    maybe if i circle what I think are the pistils?
  12. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    sweet its a mini this is my first time i plan on doing something bigger when I move out. For the amount of work I put in ten or twelve grams sounds fine. I have another one I'm afraid it might turn out to be a hermie. It looks like it has some pistils but then it looks like its about to gain...
  13. J

    Is this a female please someone respond this time

    I really hope these are pistils. Please let me know what you think.
  14. J

    First medicinal grow pics inside.

    the first bushier one looks like its got sum lil pistils. Look like hairs sorta. the other taller one might be a male oooooooo im excited i was afraid they were both going to be males
  15. J

    ANOTHER 1st CFL grow.

  16. J

    ANOTHER 1st CFL grow.

    These are both bagseed. I know my chances of female are slim. I have one seedling outside in the ground. It's waiting on its second set of leaves. Just let me know what you think. I have a lot of curling. I plan on finishing them in their cups..I want them small. I have space restrictions. I...
  17. J

    First medicinal grow pics inside.

    These are both bagseed. I know my chances of female are slim. I have one seedling outside in the ground. It's waiting on its second set of leaves. Just let me know what you think. I have a lot of curling. I plan on finishing them in their cups..I want them small. I have space restrictions.