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  1. t0rn

    JW - NLxC99

    C99 is some yummy frosty stuff man, nice pick up.
  2. t0rn

    1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

    Picture update woot! Panorama and under shot: Day 42 Panchota: Poison: The Hog: Romulan: Kryptonite: Day 28 Hog A & B (look identical): Day 21 Green Crack: Hog C: Day 7 Bagseed A: Day 1 Poison A: :leaf:
  3. t0rn

    1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

    Some good plant nutrition info fo dat ass (got it off wiki): Plant nutrition Main article: Plant nutrition Plant nutrition is the study of the chemical elements that are necessary for plant growth. There are several principles that apply to plant nutrition. Some elements are directly...
  4. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Question is.. can those be taken up by the roots and used in the plant? Probably not, the plant uptakes 16 different elements. Just the reason why the smell/flavor of a product used isn't transferred into the plant. IF they can be taken up by the roots (probably not), are they in sufficient...
  5. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    I can go on, there are about 5 full pages FULL of articles on how urine can be used as a fertilizer. No need though.. :leaf:
  6. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Taken from: Fertilizing your garden with your urine is a concept that you likely have not thought of before. In Western society, we have been taught that human waste products are unsanitary and dangerous...
  7. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Taken from: Human urine makes an excellent high nitrogen liquid fertiliser for most plants. Dilute it 10 to 1 and pour it over and or round fast growing plants once a week; like vegetables, Green manure crops and...
  8. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    a link to the original thread can be found at HomeGrown420 - Can I use my urine as a fert. (OG refugee thread) Can I use My Urine as a Fertilizer? Sure you can. In fact Sweden has tested a full scale urine ‘recycling’ program. Among their findings they have discovered that...
  9. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Cited from science daily: Human Urine As A Safe, Inexpensive Fertilizer For Food Crops ScienceDaily (Oct. 8, 2007) — Researchers in Finland are reporting successful use of an unlikely fertilizer for farm fields that is inexpensive...
  10. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    It's because you're spreading BS on forums.. I'll continue to cite articles for you until you get the point that you're not correct..
  11. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    If you read through the articles, you would have noticed that when diluting urine, the amounts of those drugs are negligible.
  12. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Ok, went back and cited EVERY article for you.. based on FACTS, I don't understand how you go the notion they weren't. I've never used urine on a single plant as I can afford premium nutrients.
  13. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    Look, I'm not going to BS with you anymore, you say don't use it, cool, that's your opinion. The fact of the matter is it has been used for centuries as a fertilizer, you're entitled to your opinion, but it's based on ignorance. :leaf:
  14. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    It's clear they were copy and pasted, this dude wanted info and didn't want to do the legwork.. I'm not going to go out of my way, the things that I posted here were the top 5 on google alone.. and easily found.
  15. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    It's the ultimate in recycling. Take some wood ashes from the fireplace, add a little of your own urine and spread it around your tomato plants. You may get a blockbuster crop. Scientists in Finland have found that wood ash and human urine perform just as well as more expensive mineral...
  16. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    You say tomayto, I say tomahto. You say Miracle-Gro, I say ... pee. Apparently, human urine works remarkably well as a fertilizer for tomatoes, according to a new study out of Finland. Plants fertilized with a mixture of stored human urine and wood ash produced 4.2 times more fruit than...
  17. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    MONDAY, Oct. 8 (HealthDay News) -- Cash-strapped farmers shouldn't look far for a source of free fertilizer, according to a new study that finds human urine to be a great source of nitrogen and other minerals. The "yuck" factor aside, scientists who used urine to help raise a bumper crop...
  18. t0rn

    Hey guys! The pee thread!

    In the not so distant past, we didn't have the luxury of having a small room in the house where we could flush away our number ones and twos. But did you ever wonder how we managed before the water closet? Not that I want to get into the history of it, but let's just say that before the...
  19. t0rn

    House & Garden pH Question

    When mixing your nutes, why do you need to pH it twice? Looks like you bring it down to 4.1 with nutes then pH up, then add more nutes that bring the pH up and then pH down, doesn't make sense to me. Mix your nutes, THEN pH and check it in a few hours to see if it's stable.
  20. t0rn

    1000w Coco Multi-strain Medicinal Grow

    Played pimp my grow room today and installed something that I've been meaning to for a while. No, it didn't cost money and isn't the fan and carbon filter that I really want, BUT, I now have from 1-4 ft of variable ground height. I took some cinder blocks and put them under the pieces of...