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  1. fureelz

    Another character for ya

    and there they are!
  2. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    K, just scrolled back another 10 pages (since yesterday)........worthless as far as any kind of conclusions. Couple of opinions, take it as you will: I think the person who created this thread is a goofy stat-whore. (and a liar) There are more stupid people in this world than I had previously...
  3. fureelz

    what should i do?

    shiot, thats my fear too...its raining today, I was thinking about chopping tomorrow...It will be 60's - 70's the rest of the week, should I wait or bring them down?
  4. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    I am in Colorado. My plants had better harvest over a qp per plant or I am not doing something right. As I have stated before: I have had the authorities on my property, showed them the documentation given to me by the Department of Public Health and Environment and they went on about their day...
  5. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    Well that was unexpected...thanks! Glad to hear you're clean. Good for you. :blsmoke:
  6. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    Gotta be from a moderator or someone with elite account status
  7. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    With the track record of reliable posts on this site, its hard to believe what people post from time to time. I am not saying it didn't happen. Just feel like there are a lot of unanswered questions, more pertinent than the skin color of his neighbors. really. You did sign the infraction, I...
  8. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    welp, I posted them while he was online, figured he would see considering its on a page he posted on. He has yet to mention the authorities, which have been brought up numerous times by others. Anyway; why did you make my -rep private? I thought it was a pretty good ego damaging insult and I...
  9. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    still waiting on a reply for those questions....I'm starting to question the integrity of this thread :-|
  10. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    tokemasterfresh, do you have any first hand experience with police? I do, and being a medicinal patient/caregiver I can tell you that as long as you're following the state law, there is nothing they can charge you with. AND WHY ARE YOU YELLING ALL OF THE TIME?!
  11. fureelz

    it's bud time ;)

    Nice, what you end up with total on the first plant poplars? madodah's gonna have some fire too...can't wait to go see mine in a couple weeks.
  12. fureelz

    quick cureing question

    is that you or your idiot friend in pic 3? Either way; idiotic.
  13. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    If a cop or an inside friend is doing it; either way EXTORTION is ILLEGAL and PUNISHABLE by LAW. Law enforcment cannot set you up to create a case against you. Neither extortion nor blackmail require a threat of a criminal act, such as violence, merely a threat used to elicit actions, money...
  14. fureelz

    Lucky Me

    Ill show you some pictures of mine (when they're ready) and I've only been to the plot 5 times, 6th will be to chop. Bringing traffic to your outdoor only draws unwanted attention/suspicion to the girls...What ya need to do is be prepared for the season next year...start seeds in Feb, sex by...
  15. fureelz

    Help with Blackmail! big time!!

    and what was the plan once that ONE "guard" had confronted the extorter? If you know the make and color of the vehicle, report that to police along with the evidence you have against this clown. I know we are talkin 8 oz. here do you think if it were 8 lbs. it would be a different story...
  16. fureelz

    Lucky Me

    pretty good results considering the circumstances..hope for better outcomes next year!
  17. fureelz

    OK i gots questions

    you got a long while if you have only been flowering for 2 weeks. Keep looking at other peoples pictures and compare yours to theirs.
  18. fureelz

    help...are these ready (pics)

    sketchy letting the neighbors see your girls...would say 3 weeks as well.