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  1. kno

    Best pitcher in baseball is a doper

    He got caught with 3.3 grams. "It was about the size of a thumb, the whole thumb." That's a dense nug!
  2. kno


    Yes you can, may take a day or two longer to root.
  3. kno

    Vegging clones under 600watt hortilux hilux gro bulb

    Do you mean exhaust fan? a filter fan? or just a fan circulating air in the room? If its a filter fan you can wait untill they stink. If its an exhaust fan you can wait untill it gets hot in your room. If its just a fan to blow air around I would use it right now!
  4. kno

    Attitude seed bank. The difference in stealth options.

    I don't think thats true, I mean if costoms cares at all they would spend the $50 (a small small small fraction of what they spend on contraband searches already) on stealth seeds and find out for themselves. In-fact I would be surprised if they didnt already know, bottom line is no one if going...
  5. kno

    First grow cab/mantle - need opinions please

    If I where you I'd grow 3 plants in one container, ideally a 12"x30"x4" tub or as close as I could get, this will give the roots the most space they can get. I would for sure go with soil on your first time, it will save you a lot of trouble and money. I wouldn't veg my plants at all, straight...
  6. kno

    New to Hydroponics. Some Questions

    1.) It sure isn't a bad idea, although the HUGE res size has always turned me off to this Idea. As for roots, I think they will need watering more often with ebb and flow but you should look into some successful ebb and flow journals, do not take my word for it. 2.) depends on how high you...
  7. kno

    Had to chop one down!!!

    I use 10ml of H2O2 per gallon in my res if I think I need it. This should take care of your problem. Try and get as much of the old roots out as you can and start with the H2O2, but don't over do it as it can hurt your plant just as much as it can help. I would get a small scissors and start...
  8. kno

    Help! Nute burn? Pictures!

    90F is ok if your running CO2 It looks like nute burn, back off on those nutes!
  9. kno

    what type of hydroponics has he fastest and highest yielding?

    I had a system like his, worked great. Now I have a drip system, works great. I can't tell the difference at all. Drip is simpler though, as I don't have to clean sprayers any more. Just make sure your container is light proof, this mistake of mine made DWC anything but simple when I tried it
  10. kno

    Recipe for success

    I've used these nutes, its easy to over-do it. The recommended dose was far too strong for my plants at the peek of flower, I never exceeded 3/5 recommended dose, I started with 2/5 of what was recommended. Over all the nutes did well, I was happy with them.
  11. kno

    Attitude seed bank. The difference in stealth options.

    shipping times can depend on a lot more than the package they are sent in. I doubt it took attitude 11 more days to fit those baggies into the candy.. haha
  12. kno

    super silver haze or super lemon haze?

    Super Lemon Haze: A very lemony haze, works fast and lasts long The Super Lemon Haze has won the 2008 High Times Cannabis Cup with a landslide of votes. Between the many reasons: its incredibly intense lemony flavour, with a strong haze background. It’s a sharp and intense taste, which...
  13. kno

    My first REAL grow..Need Help and suggestions

    2x4s and MDF/ would be very much over-kill, not to mention expensive. Your box will end up weighing a ton as well (trust me I've built a grow box with 2x4s and MDF, getting it up the stairs was a BITCH and it was smaller than your plans). I would use 2x2s or PVC to build a frame and wrap it in...
  14. kno

    From Scratch

    I'm better with direct questions as when im high my reading comprehension takes a sharp dive, but from what I gather from my quick read through of your post you want to know what hydro system to go with for your basement grow? I'm also no expert but I can tell you that they are all very...
  15. kno

    First grow cab/mantle - need opinions please

    8.75sq ft will be easy to vent. I would use computer fans wired to a 12v DC converter from radio shack or something. With a 150w HPS (or any light) height will be a problem. You will have to train your plants. I don't think heat from the HPS will be a huge issue as its a small space to vent. I...
  16. kno

    Bubblebonics w/ Drip

    nutes can die your roots brown, this wont hurt them. brown roots can also be a sign of nute burn or light getting to the roots. You should let your plants recover from topping before flowering them. If the roots are getting water then they don't need the additional drip, though it wont hurt them.
  17. kno

    Help Me Narrow This Seed List?

    GHS cheese: Awards: 1st prize Indica Cup HTCC 2006. Genetics: Skunk-Kush cross, straight from the UK Effect: Intense musky earthy flavor, very dominant. Strong body stoned, with bursts of mental energy. Flowering indoor: 8-9 weeks, with rock-hard buds and tight calyx formation. Production up...
  18. kno

    Bubblebonics w/ Drip

    Nice plants, I would get a PPM meter so you can accurately measure how much your putting in. Most people will tell you to increase nutes until you see signs that your giving them too much (tips of the leaves yellow+brown). The yellow leaves where probably lacking in nitrogen, shouldn't be a...
  19. kno

    Dilute pH Down before adding to nutes?

    Adding nutes brings my store baught RO water from 8.5 PH to 6.2 PH, this is before PH down. most nutes act as PH down in plain water. I wouldn't PH down before adding nutes as you may not need to.
  20. kno

    How Do You Hide Detection Of Heat Lamps From Planes Flying Over?

    I wouldn't worry unless you have like eight 1000w lights... The equipment they use in helicopters for inferred doesn't have that great of a resolution so if you only have 1 or 2 lights they wont be able to tell anything. And when they do make busts off of the inferred information they gather...