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  1. S

    side by side aerocloner vs bubble cloner......

    Thanks dude, another guy told me he basically does the same as you but he doesn't spray the leaves and he says to make sure the plugs don't feel cold to the touch and instead of re wetting the plug how you do it he re wets the plugs buy putting a layer of water like 1/3 way up the plug and let...
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    side by side aerocloner vs bubble cloner......

    Thanks man. so that thin layer of water isn't supposed to touch the rooter, right? no foliar feeding? and i assume you don't need to rewet the plug after the initial soaking because it won't dry out because the humidity caused by the thin layer of water in the tray, right?
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    side by side aerocloner vs bubble cloner......

    any difference on the 24/7 vs timer for the aero flo?
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    side by side aerocloner vs bubble cloner......

    howlong do you usually take to root? would you mind explaining your process? its weird because some people foliar feed, some don't. some use a dome, some don't
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    Ghostrider OG - Ebb & Grow - Suspended Pots

    thanks dude. hopefully i can get roots going as quick as you now
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    lol its a small world online but yeah man basically what @GuyLeDuche basically said it better then i could and as far as the temp you could try a titan mercury 4 fan controller. it can keep the fan idle at a certain speed then go to max speed once a certain temp is need and it had 2 other...
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    Rhode island? I'm near seekonk if you know where that it is and the weathers been weird as fuck. literally in 10 min it'll go from pouring to sunny to snowing. its really weird. you saying it looks like its about to be a male then it goes to show female traits? sorry the post is a little confusing
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    Ghostrider OG - Ebb & Grow - Suspended Pots

    yeah my dome/tray seal perfectly, so basically in review… you cut the clone put it in a warm rapid rooter with no nutes or maybe a weak solution spray the dome the first day, keep the vents closed. don’t foliar feed leave the rapid rooters in there and leave them alone once the rapid...
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    Ghostrider OG - Ebb & Grow - Suspended Pots

    atleast the bud you had that was good looks REALLY good, i couldn’t even source bud like that in real life with all those trichomes/crystals lol that was from the suspended pots in the ebb and grow buckets? but if all the bad stuff looks like the bottom pic it looks like its going to be a real...
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    Ghostrider OG - Ebb & Grow - Suspended Pots

    damn sorry to hear that man. you couldn't make hash or anything with the hermied bud? yo that was a sick mini tutorial... I'm not sure if u seen that dudes question because he didn't quote you but i have the same question... what humidity do you keep the clones at and at what point do you keep...
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    Can I do this? Electrical question

    thanks man id like your comment but i just made an account so i can't
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    Can I do this? Electrical question

    So could a vortex s-line fan be used with the mercury 4? thats what i was thinking about getting. i already have a vortex on a dial-a-temp
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    Can I do this? Electrical question

    i don't really get the diagram but look up the mercury 4 by titan controlls. it has 3 different settings but one of them lets you keep the fan at an idle speed but also thermostatically controlled so when it his a certain temp it goes on max speed...
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    A Cannabinerd's Journey

    what are those buckets with reflective insulation foam instead of the plastics lids? thats a damn good idea
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    sound like words from the great "al. b fuct" lol
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    I've heard the old roots never recover and the best thing u can prob do is try to get that gunky shit of somehow and hope the new roots recuperate and save the plant... just what i heard tho