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  1. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Thanks man, I did miss that somehow, don't see how it contradicts anything I said. Of course you can train a pitbull to be a guard dog. I just meant if you don't train them, at least the ones that I've known, they're really friendly toward people. Didn't mean to imply they can't be trained to do...
  2. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Okay so what exactly is not true? I'm going by my experience with my dog and everything I've researched once I got one. What I said seems to be the general consensus. Please point out what's wrong. Rather than just telling me I'm full of shit, please point out exactly what's not true and why. I...
  3. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    [ Come on now, to be fair to heisen, I don't think he was necessarily on a smear campaign, but it was more that he was pointing out these obvious problems and no one was really caring about it at all, and I think he was sort of in disbelief about that, rightfully so in my opinion, so he was...
  4. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Damn, man, that's tough. I've lost some dogs that I've had for many years. I'm on like my 5th or 6th dog now, and this one's a pitbull, my first. After having a pitbull, I can't see ever having another breed of dog. She does not shed, never barks, never drools, never farts, is so friendly to...
  5. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Sure, let's just bury our heads in the sand and pretend that he didn't appoint Jeff Sessions, the ultimate enemy to all cannabis users and growers, as the Attorney General.
  6. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I've never looked up clone shipping supplies, but I still remember from reading in High Times 30 years ago to use a 16oz bottle, cut it in half, plant the clone in rockwool in the bottom part, and once it's rooted, tape the top back on, then you can ship it.
  7. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Are you fucking kidding me!!!??? You have got to be joking. That is such a deal-breaker. Gu, you're a goddamn idiot for not understanding the simple concept of not mixing politics and business. You just lost my business forever.
  8. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Wow! You are not fucking around! Those are the frostiest plants I have ever seen!
  9. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    My wife got breast cancer, and we tried the RSO. It seemed to make the cancer worse. After researching, there is some not so solid evidence that cancers that are estrogen positive can be exacerbated by THC. We stopped after a while and she went downhill from there. I mean, she was definitely...
  10. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    The key is to freeze everything and if you do no more than a minute wash, it does come out pretty damn clear and stable at room temperature. Not waxy at all. I hate wax it makes my throat feel shity
  11. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I make killer oil, had it tested at 92%. I use extractohol. It's 200 proof food grade ethanol, so residuals are no concern. I freeze it and the weed for 24 hours, then break the buds up, do a one minute wash, strain through a screen strainer, then strain that through coffee filters. Then...
  12. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Definitely don't like tattoos or Harley's, and I love Frank Zappa. Just so happens that my girlfriend is pale and freaky as hell. And I have to say I like it.
  13. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Cali is also on the forefront for changing things that don't work. Then the rest of the country follows. They started the whole legalizing weed thing with their medical in 1996 way before anyone else did.
  14. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Yeah, not sure about everywhere else, but paraphernalia in Florida and North Carolina is a stricter charge then possession of weed. Actually, I'm talking about bowls. If they just find the papers and nothing else I'm not sure if they can charge you for that. I did have a friend in North Carolina...
  15. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    This is no joke. You hit the nail on the head. I once went through a DUI check with my girlfriend and I had a bag of really incredible weed in my trunk. They asked if they could search the car and I said okay, they searched the car and didn't find anything. Then they asked if they could look in...
  16. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Yep, I got pulled the other day and the first thing he asked me was whether or not it was my car. It was my girlfriends. He didn't search me though. I didn't have anything on me, I try to avoid ever driving with anything on me. I do have a medical marijuana card here in Florida so I'm allowed to...
  17. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Have to add that my friend who did drug interdiction also said they tended to pull people over who were going exactly the speed limit. He said it's wise to go 6 to 9 miles an hour above the speed limit to be more inconspicuous and reduce the chances of being pulled over. This is good advice just...
  18. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    I would also like to add to this, that from my experience, the southerners I know are much less racist than Northerners that I know. Contrary to popular belief
  19. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Oh my God, it's not a bomb. It's just an integrated timer. It's not dangerous at all, don't worry about that. You can easily just cut the power and bypass it. Of course if you're not comfortable doing that, call an electrician.
  20. T

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Looks like a version of this Basically a heavy-duty integrated timer used for the purpose of power saving.