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  1. IanCurtisWishlist

    Rush (the band) Fan club:)

    Has anybody seen the clip on Family Guy when the CHEETO CHEETAH is listening to RUSH and then he snorts a fat line of cheetos and says, "YES YES NEIL PERT IS THE BEST DRUMMER!!!" Funny shit...
  2. IanCurtisWishlist

    Obama on decriminalization

    I have an idea everybody! How about you START A NEW THREAD ON ABORTION and post about OBAMA'S VIEWS ON DECRIMINALIZATION in this thread? SO WHAT DO YOU THINK OBAMA WILL DO WITH MARIJUANA?? That's the topic at hand. Marijuana and abortion really have nothing to do with eachother. So how...
  3. IanCurtisWishlist

    What's The Best Concert You've Seen?

    I saw THE NATIONAL in October 2007, The Crystal Ballroom, Portland, Oregon. Best show of my fucking life. The crowd were so receptive, the band were right-on, and I have never had a better time in my life. Unbeknownst to me, I smoked a joint outside of a drug rehab center in between sets...
  4. IanCurtisWishlist

    Good - bye Blago

    Blagojevich is dumb. Letterman said it well tonight, when he said something along the lines of... we can still have an impeachment and it didn't involve an airport restroom sex sting. Oh Letterman you crack me up.
  5. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    That is ridiculous. Class B drug?? It must be that fucking Gordon Brown. What a cunt. You know what has a crack-like effect? Soapbar hash, which is so impure with benzo's , boot polish, and whatever the hell they put in it that is not hash, and it's not THC, but it still gets you "high"...
  6. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    Yes, when I lived in Portland, I would often get cheap "beasters" from Canada. It was like 30 bucks an 8th but it was some quality smoke nonetheless. The beasters in Texas probably came from Mexico. Nasty shit man, 450 for an ounce of that is not a good deal.
  7. IanCurtisWishlist

    Medical Marijuana and Room Mates

    He absolutely could not get in trouble for his roomate cultivating marijuana. In fact, the only reason he could not use medical marijuana himself is because of RANDOM DRUG TESTING IN THE WORKPLACE. Until they create a drug test that somehow detects what your roomate is growing at home, I'd say...
  8. IanCurtisWishlist

    Medical Marijuana in Oregon

    So what part of Oregon are you moving to? I have lived in Portland on and off in my life, and generally it is not too hard to find pot in Portland. In fact, if you walk around parts of downtown Portland, people will ask YOU if you want to buy some pot. You can usually haggle with these...
  9. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    Barack Obama is going to do a wonderful job. I think a monkey frying on LSD could have done a better job than Bush. Oh wait a minute, isn't that what the last president was? I think, what Obama needs to do, is to legalize marijuana for personal use. If the US government taxed marijuana in the...
  10. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    It's not USA hating, OK? It's more of hating on the policies that our last fuck-up president put into effect. So how about you back the fuck up and don't address me, or anybody else on this forum, like that anymore. And no, Arabs have never declared war on the USA. The certain individuals who...
  11. IanCurtisWishlist

    Most potent way of taking Marijuana.

    speaking of sticking drugs in your ass... you could make a suppository out of marijuana in theory. if you dissolve some keif in some coconut butter, then mold it, let it cool down, you will have the perfect suppository that will get you high. Why the fuck would you want to do this??? Maybe if...
  12. IanCurtisWishlist

    Good - bye Blago

    You know, fuck Blagojevich. He's a fucking little dick sucking corrupt bastard!!! He apparently has some RATHER QUESTIONABLE ties to the HORSE RACING INDUSTRY. Yeah, ever hear of a group called the Chicago Outfit? They're basically *the* mafia in Chicago, and they most likely have ties to...
  13. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    If by "bad ass", you mean ABOMINATION, then yes, you're correct.:wall:
  14. IanCurtisWishlist

    Obama on decriminalization

    Yeah me too. I am tired of being a medical marijuana patient by the state law and still I can be fired from my job for failing a "drug test." I could use cocaine or methamphetamine every day and probably pass a piss test, but marijuana stays in your system so i'm fucked. Please Barack Obama...
  15. IanCurtisWishlist

    Obama on decriminalization

    Yeah seriously. I think there should be a harmonious meeting of the minds. We shouldn't abort a baby after the first trimester IMO, because while the baby is in a woman's body (who has a right to choose), there comes a point in time when that baby, however dependant on it's mother for...
  16. IanCurtisWishlist

    Obama on decriminalization

    Oh that's funny, when I clicked on this thread I thought it was going to be about BARACK OBAMA'S VIEWS ON DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA. What the fuck does abortion have to do with marijuana decriminalization???? I live near a hospital and we have these anti-abortion protesters clogging up...
  17. IanCurtisWishlist

    What do usa think of UK

    When I think of the UK, I think of a once-glorious and almost facist empire that has crumbled into something that resembles a democracy. I admire the UK's tolerance to cannabis and alcohol. I hate the way many UK citizens think that Americans are all about country-western music. I also hate...
  18. IanCurtisWishlist

    Canadian suffering from depression and anxiety needing to be legal

    Damn dude why do you need medical marijuana if you are in Canada? There are no criminal penalties for posession, and you will barely get a slap on the wrist if you are caught growing. It's so much cheaper in Canada as opposed to the USA (which is where I am from). And as far as I know...
  19. IanCurtisWishlist

    Most potent way of taking Marijuana.

    Eating marijuana is the most potent way of injesting it. When you eat pot-laced foods, the THC is absorbed in the stomach, then it makes it's way to the liver where it is metaboloized into a stronger chemical. Don't quote me on this, but I have read that THC-9 metabolizes to THC-10 when you...
  20. IanCurtisWishlist

    Tupacs Murderer Discovered !!!

    Yeah I agree. I think if Tupac ate Mr. T's cheetos then he really had it coming. Don't fuck with a black guy's cheetos, that's all I have to say. I agree with that statement. With the way our economy is, I would not be surprised to hear that RED BUD is back in style. 50 dollar ounce...