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  1. luckydog82

    Should I cut or Not

    I was flushing with water and molasses since last week
  2. luckydog82

    Should I cut or Not

    OK I stripped off the fan leaves and most of the big sugar leaves and I put it back because I'm unsure now What would you do?leave or chop
  3. luckydog82

    Should I cut or Not

    Here is pics with a better camera and zoom
  4. luckydog82

    Should I cut or Not

    Yeah I was thinking that phone camera just charging my other phone it has a better camera I will post more pics in a while
  5. luckydog82

    Should I cut or Not

    Well folks I would like your opinion on whether or not I should chop my Roadrunner or not:weed: I have left it a week longer than I was going to but I think I had a habit of chopping too early:dunce: and I normally wouldn't ask but this is an Auto and I don't remember when I planted it:dunce...
  6. luckydog82

    WWE: TOP 50 Superstars of All Time

    Macho Man Randy Savage ,Ultimate warrior where were they in the list ,I also just got that new wrestling game for my kid ,the 1 where you can pick wrestlers from the past looks ok better than the ones I remember playing on the megadrive
  7. luckydog82

    Secret fast food orders

    I seen a programme about MSG and Food and they cooked both with and without MSG (monosodiumglutamate or something like that)and everything with the added MSG just tasted better its added like seasoning like salt but it just makes food more tasty ,chinese take aways use it alot I'm sure so do...
  8. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    I had 1 but I gave it away to someone well it was a loan but I never got it back,have to get myself another 1
  9. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    Here's a pic I took today the leaves are still stuck fast,do the buds look ready:weed:
  10. luckydog82

    Luckydogs 3rd Grow

    Just some pictures of the girls i'm after taking,nothing much to say other than I pinched the deformed leaves on the special queen I tried to fim so its just topped now. How long do you think I should leave the Roadrunner before I chop ? I was thinking a week today
  11. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    Thanks Bostoner that makes a lot of sense,they don't look like they will fall off so i'll leave them
  12. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

  13. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    I was gonna leave it another week as I think the buds could go a little longer
  14. luckydog82

    Photosynthesis and Yellow leaves

    A question for anybody who can answer it:?: Do the yellow leaves on a MJ plant still photosynthesize or are they just food reserves ? I ask because my Roadrunner is covered in yellow leaves very little green left but some of these leaves are shading a good few of the buds and I was just going to...
  15. luckydog82

    Ayone watch 'Spike' channel? 'Spike TV' or whatever.

    Damn, can't watch spike tv in my area not so awesome
  16. luckydog82

    Is Cali Still Flooded?

    Fucking shit fags lmao
  17. luckydog82

    Luckydogs 3rd Grow

    Just some more pics of the girls :weed: I had a free house so I took the pics where they were is daylight so the true yellowing of the Roadrunner can be seen it was very deceiving in the glow of the HPS,anyway should it be yellowing so...
  18. luckydog82

    Week 5 flowering pics

    Which 1 is your Trainwreck ,Great grow
  19. luckydog82

    Cloning Question

    I'm assuming you have reg seeds you could cut a clone off your plants and flower the clones that way you will know which is female without flowering the main plant
  20. luckydog82

    Luckydogs 3rd Grow

    Thanks Ganja ,they are a lot yellower than they actually look well a limey green actually,I was gonna leave it the week anyway