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  1. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    I'm thinking they may be a little over watered but no nuts yet. have had them in the happy frog since they sprouted, let dry for a few days?
  2. mozarttea


    good morning everyone!. i have some DNA genetics tangie growing and some TGA sub cool pennywise. all were germinated june 28th and were all transplanted to happy frog potting soil with a fluorescent light 25w. they began to stretch to about 3in and so i transplanted them on August 7th to a...
  3. mozarttea

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm using happy frog potting soil
  4. mozarttea

    Tangie and Pennywise assistance wanted!!

    good morning everyone! i can't remember how to start a new thread so i thought maybe i could get some help from here. i have some DNA genetics tangie growing and some TGA sub cool pennywise. all were germinated june 28th and were all transplanted to happy frog potting soil with a fluorescent...
  5. mozarttea

    Welcome New Members!

    good morning everyone! i can't remember how to start a new thread so i thought maybe i could get some help from here. i have some DNA genetics tangie growing and some TGA sub cool pennywise. all were germinated june 28th and were all transplanted to happy frog potting soil with a fluorescent...
  6. mozarttea

    First Indoor Grow, Any Tips or Help Would be Appreciated, Come along for the Journey

    Hay anybody who is following or is interested in my little grow operation! this is day 16 of flowering! The beginning colas are starting to blossom nicely. One of my plants is growing a little strange compared to the others. Im going to leave some pictures here of all of them and some closer up...
  7. mozarttea

    First indoor grow, tips and advice greatly appreciated

    Hay anybody who is following or is interested in my little grow operation! this is day 16 of flowering! The beginning colas are starting to blossom nicely. One of my plants is growing a little strange compared to the others. Im going to leave some pictures here of all of them and some closer up...
  8. mozarttea

    Curling and cupping of leaves! ADIVCE NEEDED!

    how do i take out Nitrogen then, I'm not adding any nutrients to them yet?
  9. mozarttea

    Curling and cupping of leaves! ADIVCE NEEDED!

    i Have 5 plants growing under a 400wHPS light which is now on the 7th day. The temperature reads 20-25C with a humidity of 40-50% with the lights on, when the lights are off the temperature is at 15-20C and humidity jumps to 80-90%. Two plants have some serious curling of tips of many leaves all...
  10. mozarttea

    First indoor grow, tips and advice greatly appreciated

    Hey guys! Here are the second set of pictures of my plants, this is day 5 of flowering! They look to be growing very nicely and have great color and are starting to smell a little bit! I also added a carbon filter inside of the grow room now. I have some problems going on with the curling of two...
  11. mozarttea

    Plants curling at tips and whole leaves! ANY IDEAS??

    Hey guys! I have some problems going on with the curling of two of my plants! I have a 400w HPS light running 12/12. the humidity is usually around 50% with a temp of 25C with the lights on. With the lights of the humidity is 80% with a temp of 15C. The past week they have been curling like this...
  12. mozarttea

    First indoor grow, tips and advice greatly appreciated

    Awesome thanks for the tips! The lights will be on in a few hours so i will check that out and be posting and update soon!
  13. mozarttea

    First indoor grow, tips and advice greatly appreciated

    Here is an update of the children, I changed the light 2 days ago to the 400w HPS and here are a couple pictures. It seems like two of the plants are curling up at the very tip of the leaves, if you look in the first picture you can see what I'm talking about! Any ideas what this may be?
  14. mozarttea

    First indoor grow, tips and advice greatly appreciated

    First Indoor Grow, Any Tips or Help Would be Appreciated, Come along for the Journey Hey guys, I just joined the site and just thought I would share my first time indoor grow with anyone who is interested in following the grow. I will be posting up measurements and exact details of the room size...
  15. mozarttea

    First Indoor Grow, Any Tips or Help Would be Appreciated, Come along for the Journey

    cool thanks man! what do you think about the humidity? I went to turn them off this morning and it was at 90% which i know is ridiculously high
  16. mozarttea

    First Indoor Grow, Any Tips or Help Would be Appreciated, Come along for the Journey

    Hey guys, I just joined the site and just thought I would share my first time indoor grow with anyone who is interested in following the grow. I will be posting up measurements and exact details of the room size and all that on my next post but for now i wanted to get some pictures up and maybe...