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  1. HobbyGrower72

    Widowrella - Female Seeds

    Strain: Widowrella from Female Seeds. nlGrowth: DWC, 150 Watt HPS, SCROG Nutes: AN Sensi Grow/Bloom 2-part Bud Candy Superthrive Yield: 2.5 oz per plant (2nd grow, 1st scrog) Bag Appeal: Very high. Although my buds were a bit light and wispy, they looked amazing and smelled...
  2. HobbyGrower72

    barneys tangerine dream 2010 cannabis cup winner

    just got Tangerine Dream from the attitude seed bank. chose the original breeder's packaging. good stuff. can't wait to germ.
  3. HobbyGrower72

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Absolutely awesome info. I don't have slime but I'm thinking this might be a great, natural way to improve my future dwc grows.
  4. HobbyGrower72

    Grow Tent Club

    Hey everyone. I grow in a 3 x 1.6 x 5.1 foot tent under a 150 watt HPS with 23 watt supplemental CFL. I have a PC fan blowing on the HPS light to keep temps down. I'm currently using Emily's Garden which is basically a DWC using rockwool, hydroton, and a passive wick system. I use a 170 cfm fan...