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    I know whats wrong! You have a apple computer! AAAAAAAH... Looks ike nute burn
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    Male or Female?

    ur retarded.
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    red hairs before theyre done?

    I hope so, dad.
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    red hairs before theyre done?

    Do the white hairs sometimes turn red/brown before the plant is done flowering? a lot of my pistils are already turning red and its only been flowering a month...
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    are these hermi?

    Thanks everyone. I mistake the calyx as male pollen sacks but they werent! I just jumped to conclusions!
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    are these hermi?

    are they?
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    hermi question...

    so the are hermi?>
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    hermi question...

    Another shot...
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    hermi question...

    here are some pictures... after review i think maybe they both might be hermie, but not sure....
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    hermi question...

    Well, I went away on a trip for a while and came back to find out that my timer on my lights werent working properly. One of my females is turning HERMI. Should i kill it? I have one other female plant in the grow room. Would it be ok to let it grow?? Would it still be good to smoke?
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    DWC's and vacation

    Good idea.... thanks mate
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    DWC's and vacation

    well its in a scrog so changing the contianer will be difficult
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    DWC's and vacation

    I'll be out of my house for a week or so and i was wondering how i could keep water in my DWC tank? The last time i went out of town for 3 days and when i got home the plants had sucked up pretty much all the water. Is there a cheap way i can keep water in there (prefferably not buying a water...
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    anyone..electric bill difference??

    you must be really high....
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    1week and 3 days into flowering

    no sign yet,.
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    ph up...

    is there any alternatives for ph up? I just ran out and need to raise it.
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    question on hps lights...

    No, I just connected it to a power source.
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    question on hps lights...

    I have 2 plants, one female, and one that hasnt sexed yet. I use this light.... Lithonia Lighting 50 Watt Bronze High Pressure Sodium Floodlight - TFS 50S 120 LPI M6 at The Home Depot except its 70 watt
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    question on hps lights...

    I did switch to flowering and thats why i got it.
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    question on hps lights...

    Just picked up a 70 watt HPS from home depot. Will this do much for lighting? I also have 8 23 watt CFLs. Am i best just sticking with the CFLs? or will the HPS help?