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  1. suretokealot

    where can i find a cheap thermometer?

    Bought mine at lowes $12.... has a readout for inside and out temps and humidity. hope this helps
  2. suretokealot

    Is 93 degrees too hot?

    Well I did get my temps down to 84 degrees with 25% humidty.
  3. suretokealot

    Is 93 degrees too hot?

    Heres a picture of my box. any thougths on how to lower temps? The three plants I have planted didnt spout yet after 3 days i was guessing due to the higher temps. Thanks
  4. suretokealot

    Is 93 degrees too hot?

    My temps were at 104 degrees earlier and then I made some vent holes in my cabinet and then the temps dropped down to 93 but I cant seem to get them any lower then that.
  5. suretokealot

    Is 93 degrees too hot?

    My grow cabinet has 8 23cfl lights and the temps stay around 93 degrees. Is this to hot for the plants?
  6. suretokealot

    need help with watering white widow

    yeah they were all germinated.
  7. suretokealot

    need help with watering white widow

    Alright i just planted some white widow seeds 48hrs ago and they did not sprout yet. How often should I be watering? Im using 8 23wt cfl about 10in away. I guess the heat from the bulbs drys out my soil pretty quickly. From what i read you should water every 3-5 days.... so what should i do...
  8. suretokealot

    quik germination question

    Hi, Is it possiable to have to much heat during germination. I was germinating my seeds with a heating pad, two plates and paper towels. My problem is when i removed the plates from the heating pad i saw a little steam. The paper towels were still miost and the seeds had little tap roots. I...
  9. suretokealot

    Need Help With Soil

    Hello everyone I was wondering if someone could help me with soil. I have everything set ( Grow box, lights etc...) My seeds just cracked and I see the root. So i need to get some soil...... what brand soil should I get. I heard stay away from MG. I need to get a soil from lowes, HD, walmart...
  10. suretokealot

    CFL or Florescent

    Hey everyone, I have a 3x3x3 cabinet that I built just for vegging and would like to put 4 plants in there. My question is for lighting should I use CFL or standerd florescent and how many would I need to use to grow 4 plants. If I go with cfl I konw I need to get the 6500k bulbs but if I go...
  11. suretokealot

    seedbanks reliability(my findings)

    Hey I ordered seeds from nirvana and attitude at the same time. It took about 2 wks to get my seeds. The nirvana seeds came 4 days earlier then attitude. They both came in awesome stealth packing..... I am happy with both banks.
  12. suretokealot

    400wt HPS question

    Yeah got everything built. My cabinet came out to be 6x4x4 with a 400hps 4 4ft fluorescents and two fans..... hope it works good!!!
  13. suretokealot

    Quick mold question

    Sounds Good thanks alot
  14. suretokealot

    Quick mold question

    So if I have a few fans in there I should be good
  15. suretokealot

    Quick mold question

    will they mold if the humidty gets high or low?
  16. suretokealot

    Quick mold question

    hi im currently growing in a 6x4x4 cabinet using 1 400wt HPS and 4 4ft fluorescent bulbs. My question is how common is it for plants to get mold and how do I minimize this? I know it has to do with humidty. Thanks
  17. suretokealot

    do all ballasts run both hps and mh bulbs

    A digital ballest will run both HPS and MH bulbs but they have to be the same watts
  18. suretokealot

    400 hps or 600 hps

    Yeah great setups guys! I thinks im going to run with the 600 and see what happens
  19. suretokealot

    400 hps or 600 hps

    nice setup
  20. suretokealot

    400 hps or 600 hps

    I have both a 400 and 600